Network, WiFi, & Internet

Articles on network and connectivity common questions.

Categories (1)

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

Articles about multi-factor authentication at GVSU (Okta and Duo).

Articles (20)

Pinned Article Service Commitment Goals

This Service Commitment Goal is IT’s promise to the community, aiming for customer service excellence.

Connect an Android or Google Pixel to the GVSU Wireless Network

These are the instructions on how to connect an Android or Google Pixel to the GVSU Wireless Network through the wireless settings on the device.

Direct Access Not Connecting

This article outlines some troubleshooting steps, that can help when direct access is not connecting on or off campus or If you have issues connecting to your network drive.

Group Policy Update on GVSU Issued Windows Machine

These are the steps to perform a group policy update on a GVSU-issued Windows Machine.

GV-Faculty-Staff WiFi Network

This article will help with connecting to GV-Faculty-Staff wireless for Widows and Macintosh machines.

GV-Student WiFi Network

Troubleshooting steps for reconnecting to GV-Student WiFi on iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS.

GV-Visitor Wi-Fi Network

Connecting to GV-Visitor on Mac and Windows devices.

How to Connect a Chromebook to the GV-STUDENT Wireless Network

This article will help with connecting a Chromebook to GV-STUDENT wireless network.

How to Connect a reMarkable Tablet to the GVSU Wireless Network

Steps on how to connect reMarkable tablet to Wi-Fi.

How to Connect PlayStation Gaming Device to the GVSU Network

This article outlines the steps to connect PlayStation Gaming devices to the GVSU Network via wireless and wired connections.

How to Connect to Eduroam WiFi Networks

An article on how to connect to and use Eduroam Wi-Fi at participating institutions.

How to Forget all Wi-Fi Networks except GV-Student- Apple macOS

This article details how to forget additional wireless networks on a macOS device.

Internet Connection Issues on a Macintosh Computer

Use these instructions when you want to remove, change, or add an Internet connection on a Mac.

Registering a Smart TV on GV-GameNet

An article detailing how to register a Smart TV for use on GV-GameNet

Verify That Your GVSU Issued Windows Machine Is Connected to Direct Access

This article outlines how to verify that you are connected to direct access on your GVSU-issued windows machine

Connect to GVSU WiFi Using the SecureW2 JoinNow App

This is the procedure for connecting new or existing user's Android devices to the GVSU network.

Web Browser Unable to Connect/Load a Specific Website

Explain why a user may see a connection issue to a website from the GVSU network.