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CHS 233 / TC 07 / TC 09 - Instructor Microphone Use Case
Create an appointment booking schedule for office hours or other course meetings using the Appointment Scheduler in Zoom.
Instructors can create schedules for virtual office hours in their courses. Office hours can be applied to all courses taught by the instructor, if desired.
This article is intended to give users a step by step guide on how to log into Zoom on all tech platforms that we support (MacOS, iOS, Windows, Android).
Instructions on how to update the zoom application.
This article explains how to schedule Zoom office hour meetings in a Blackboard Ultra course or organization.
This article will walk you through how to download a recorded Zoom session and upload the video to Panopto.
This article explains how to set up recurring meetings in Zoom for use in Blackboard courses.
This article explains how to add a Zoom link to your course content.
This article explains how to join a meeting using the New Meeting Join Flow, which takes effect 4/22/2023.
How to add member to a Call Queue
How to find or Edit your PIN Code.
How to listen to your voicemail messages from a Poly VVX250 phone.
How to Listen to your voicemail message on your phone.