GV-Student WiFi Network

When to Use?

Follow these procedures when assisting a student for Wi-Fi connection issues.


Toggle Wi-Fi or Restart Device

When moving around campus, it’s possible the device may be trying to connect to an access point that is no longer in range. Turning the Wi-Fi off and back on will re-establish the connection to the closest access point. Restarting the device will have a similar effect.

Forget and Rejoin the Network

Forgetting and rejoining the GV-Student network is also good troubleshooting step. Doing this will make sure the device has the correct configuration settings for a good connection.

Below are instructions to do this on common device types. If a device type is not listed here, it may be necessary to consult the Internet for specific instructions.


In the Settings App, tap "Wi-Fi" and then the blue information symbol next to the GV-Student network. Then tap the "Forget This Network" button at the top. Go back to the Wi-Fi screen and tap GV-Student to reconnect.

Apple mobile device Wi-Fi menu depicting the information settings for GV-Student    Apple mobile device Wi-Fi menu depicting how to forget the GV-Student Wi-Fi network


In the Settings App, tap "Network & Internet" and then "Wi-Fi." Tap the gear icon next to the GV-Student network. Then tap the “Forget” button at the top of the screen. Tap GV-Student from the "Wi-Fi" list to reconnect to the network.

Android device Wi-Fi menu depicting the information settings for GV-Student Wi-Fi    Android device Wi-Fi menu depicting how to forget the GV-Student Wi-Fi         


Click on the Wi-Fi symbol at the bottom right of the screen and right click on the GV-Student network. Click "Forget" from the drop-down menu. Reconnect by clicking the "Connect" button.

Windows device Wi-Fi menu depicting how to forget the GV-Student Wi-Fi


















In System Preferences click "Network." Verify that ‘Wi-Fi’ is selected in blue on the left and click "Advanced" in the bottom right.

Mac Wi-Fi menu depicting the information settings for GV-Student Wi-Fi












In the Wi-Fi pane, click on the GV-Student network so it’s highlighted in blue. Click the minus button at the bottom to remove the network.

Mac Wi-Fi menu depicting how to forget a Wi-Fi network












Click "OK" and then ‘"Apply" to return to System Preferences. The device can now reconnect to the network.

Wi-Fi Auto-Connect

If a device is unable to connect to the GV-Student Wi-Fi after following the steps above, please try going through gvsu.edu/wifi. This page will walk through instructions for connecting a device to the GV-Student network in the background.  When reconnecting use the following settings for the configuration.

  • With the Pixel 6 phone and new Android versions the device requires that a “Domain Name” be entered for the WIFI setup. When Android based phones ask for a Domain Name during setup they are looking for: psn.ise.server.gvsu.edu.
  • Select PEAP for the EAP Method.
  • Select MSVCHAPV2 from the dropdown list as the Phase 2 Authentication method
  • Select Unspecified for CA Certificate or leave it blank.

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Article ID: 4453
Tue 3/22/22 5:59 PM
Wed 6/15/22 3:52 PM

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