Computing Linux Labs (EOS) - Connecting with SSH

Using SSH, you can connect your computer's Terminal to a computer within the Computing Linux labs.

If you are off campus, connecting this way will require a VPN connection to GVSU via Ivanti Secure Access VPN


At the start of a new semester, you might get an error saying "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!"

This is likely due to the lab computers being reset and your personal computer using old fingerprints. See our guide SSH Error - Remote Host Identification Has Changed to fix this issue. 

Step-by-step guides

In these examples, we use eos10 as the computer we're connecting to. You can use any of the Computing/EOS Linux computers in place of the example computer: - -

macOS or Linux

The following can be done in the Terminal in macOS or your preferred terminal emulator in Linux:

  1. If you are not on campus, make sure you're connected via GVSU's VPN: Ivanti Secure Access VPN.
  2. In the Terminal, type the following command:


  3. Your first time connecting you will see a message starting with, "The authenticity of host '' can't be established." Type yes to add this computer as a known host. 

  4. When prompted, enter the password for your GVSU account (you will not see security dots when entering this password)
  5. If successful, you will be connected to eos10 SSH connection is successful

Windows (using PuTTY)

Putty can be found on the desktop all HPC-domain Windows computers.

The latest version can be found on PuTTY's website.

  1. If you are not on campus, make sure you're connected via GVSU's VPN: Ivanti Secure Access VPN.
  2. In PuTTY enter the following, or make sure the following items are correct:
    • Host Name (or IP address):

    • Port: 22

    • Connection type: SSH
  3. Click Open at the bottom right of the PuTTY Configuration window
    You may see an error starting like, "The server's host key is not cached in the registry." Click "Yes" to trust this host.
  4. A new command-line style window will open
  5. When prompted, enter your GVSU username
  6. When prompted, enter your GVSU account password (you will not see security dots when entering this password)
  7. If successful, you will be connected to eos10

SSH Fingerprints

If you'd like to verify the SSH fingerprints before connecting, they are located here:

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