Applications & Software

Whether it runs on a lab computer, or through a web browser, you can find information and guides on supported applications here.

Categories (15)

Data Backup And Recovery

Important information to encourage the use of best practices for data management.

Padnos College of Engineering and Computing Applications

FAQs and guides on Linux Labs, Engineering systems and other items used in the Padnos College.


SPSS is Statistics software used for statistical analysis. Many GVSU classes use it and it is available in our labs and classrooms as well as downloadable for students, faculty, and staff for their personal machines.


Tips and tricks on using Panopto to record, live stream, host, share and search videos with an all-in-one video platform.


Qualtrics is a cloud-based platform for creating and distributing web-based surveys.


STRATUS is a collection of servers hosting a remote Windows desktop environment. Numerous GVSU departments and classes (including but not limited to Engineering, Computing, Statistics, and Geography) use STRATUS to provide access to professional grade applications and research environments that would otherwise be cost or resource prohibitive.


Workday is a robust management system that allows you to visit one source to access personal, financial, and operational data related to Grand Valley State University.


Find solutions to common Zoom questions.


Articles about Okta authentication at GVSU.

Password Manager

Help for 1Password

Windows Remote Lab

Instructions for accessing and using the Windows remote lab environment.

Ivanti Secure Access Virtual Private Network, VPN (Formerly Pulse Secure)

Ivanti Secure Access is software to allow for secure connections. You can use it to connect to network resources that have a higher level of security (such as network drives or Ultratime). A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure connection over a public network.


Degree Planning & Evaluation

Automic (UC4)

Documentation for functional users on how to run Automic (UC4) jobs, and process flows.

Microsoft 365

Helpful information surrounding the latest productivity apps, such as Microsoft Teams, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Bookings, and more.

Articles (19)

Pinned Article Service Commitment Goals

This Service Commitment Goal is IT’s promise to the community, aiming for customer service excellence.

Adding Apporto to your Blackboard shell

How to add the Apporto App Store link to your blackboard course shell.

Backing Up and Recovering Your Data - Macintosh

This article outlines the process for backing up and retrieving your data on a GVSU owned Macintosh machine. It is intended for GVSU faculty and staff.

Backing Up and Recovering Your Data - Windows

This article outlines the process for backing up and retrieving your data on a GVSU owned Windows machine. It is intended for GVSU faculty and staff.

Catalog Map - Finding Services From Previous Service Catalog

Maps services from previous Service Catalog to the New Service Catalog.

DocuSign - How to Access and Use

Describes how to login to DocuSign

DocuSign Support Resources

Helpful support resources that will help you with your DocuSign questions.

DocuSign Training Materials

Helpful support resources that will help you with your DocuSign questions. DocuSign training videos and materials to get you started. Also, Train the Trainer Model information which includes training steps and training plan suggestions.

Enterprise Connect on a Macintosh Computer

Use this article to understand how to use Enterprise Connect's various features; this includes changing your password.

How to Log Off and Disable Skype for Business (Microsoft Windows)

GVSU's Skype for Business installation will be turned off in June 2022. This guide shows how to log off from the Skype for Business application and disable it from automatically starting on Microsoft Windows.

Java & OpenJDK: Best Practices and Recommendations

This article provides guidance on using Microsoft OpenJDK for Windows and Mac computers, as well as OpenJDK offered by Ubuntu and Red Hat for Linux systems.

Launching Apporto CyberLabs

Video for how to access Apporto Modular Cyber Labs

Log4j Vulnerability in SAS

Information from SAS to fix vulnerabilities that may affect your GVSU computer.

Manage Windows Update Restarts

When Windows updates are available, you have a 5-day grace period to update or schedule a time that works for you. See a preview of these prompts and your scheduling options in this article

MAXQDA Upgrade From 2022 To 2024

MAXQDA license and software was updated.  Previous versions of the software installed on machines will no longer work with this new license.  The software package and deployment has been updated via SCCM for both LAB and OFFICE environments.

Microsoft PowerBi, Project, & Visio Requests

This article is to be referenced after a community user has been granted access to licensing for either Microsoft PowerBi, Project or Visio.


ShareBase is a versatile web-based software that facilitates seamless file and folder sharing while enabling effortless access management. This guide outlines fundamental tasks such as logging in, sharing files/folders, and tracking user activity and access.

Web Browser Suspicious Notifications

How to remove suspicious notifications from your browser.

Adobe Acrobat Pro Installation Instructions for Faculty & Staff

Instructions for installing Adobe Acrobat Pro for faculty and staff who purchase a license through the IT Technology Supply Office.