Service Commitment Goals
This Service Commitment Goal is IT’s promise to the community, aiming for customer service excellence.
What to Expect from Information Technology (IT)
- To provide excellent customer service to our community.
- A proactive approach to problem-solving and continuous improvement.
What We Ask of the Community
- To provide timely information by responding to emails or updating their ticket in the Service Portal, helping us assess the current state of a given situation, and assisting in turnaround times.
- Report issues to the Service Desk by using one of the following methods:
- Provide as much detail as possible when reporting issues
Commitment Goals by Ticket Type
Describes the anticipated response and resolution time frame that outlines the metrics by which the effectiveness of the process is monitored and improved.

* Emergency Phone Call and Urgent Phone Call will be handled when the IT Service Desk is open
- The timing of the Service Commitment Goals covers general open business hours 8 AM - 5 PM Monday - Friday.
- Phone calls are accepted when the IT Service Desk is open.
- Any phone calls received after general business hours, on weekends or on holidays, will be routed to the after-hours phone support. The timing of after-hours unresolved call tickets and any tickets submitted during these times will be processed when the IT Service Desk is open.
- When a ticket is in the On Hold status, the time on the ticket is paused.
- Note: a temporary solution may be implemented while working on a permanent resolution.
Ticket Status Definitions
- New – The ticket has been received but has not been assigned to a technician.
- Open – The ticket has been assigned to a technician or group.
- In Process – The technician is actively working on the ticket.
- Resolved – The technician has given the resolution to the community member.
- Closed – The community member has acknowledged that the resolution is to their satisfaction.
- Canceled – The ticket has been canceled, and no further action needs to be taken.
- Waiting for Reply - The ticket requires more information or a response from the community member or third party. The ticket is placed on hold to avoid exceeding the Service Commitment Goal deadline while waiting for a response. Unless otherwise agreed upon with community member, the end date/time should be 48 hours (two days).
- On Hold – The ticket requires information or time from a resource to begin/continue work. The ticket is placed on hold to maintain SLA response deadlines while waiting for a response. The on-hold end/date time must be set for all tickets in the on-hold status. Unless otherwise agreed upon with community member, the end date/time should be 48 hours (two days).
- On Loan – Equipment has been loaned out. The date/time of loan end is required. The Off Hold Date/Time would be when the loaned item should be returned.
- Scheduled – The work for the ticket has been scheduled for the future. Date/time of meeting/event is required.
- Reopened – The ticket was closed, but within 7 days, the requester of the ticket responded or requested the ticket be opened again.