Enterprise Connect on a Macintosh Computer

When to Use?

Use this article to understand how to use Enterprise Connect's various features; this includes changing your password!  


Enterprise Connect will come by default on any device ordered and set up through GVSU IT. You can find it on the menu bar; it will be the icon with a key within a circle

Enterprise connect icon in the applications folder and launchpadEnterprise connect icon on the menu bar

The enterprise connect application serves three (3) main purposes:

  1. Changing your password. This application changes the device's password first and then sends it to the rest of the network so that your passwords don't become out of sync.
    If you change your password anywhere else, including the password reset website, you run the risk of your device being unable to log in with any password. macOS users are REQUIRED to change their password through enterprise connect.

Click on the enterprise connect icon on the menu bar (circle with a key), select "change password", then enter all information prompted.

  1. Keep your device connected to Active Directory, the GVSU IT server that holds accurate information about your account.
  2. Automatically mounting the Directory File Share, also known as the L-Drive, to your desktop. It will be abbreviated to DFS.
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Article ID: 9570
Fri 8/19/22 9:51 AM
Thu 8/15/24 8:14 AM

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