Articles (11)

Pinned Article Overview: Connecting to the School of Computing (CIS) Linux Labs

An overview of the multiple ways to connect to the School of Computing Linux Labs

Computing Linux Labs (EOS) - Host Information (2024)

This KB contains host information for FQDN, CNAMES, and IP addresses.

Computing Virtual Labs - Connecting with a Web Browser

This article shows you how to connect to EOS and Datacom using the online virtual environment.

Computing Virtual Labs - Extended Copy and Paste Menu

Use the extended copy and paste menu to get around formatting errors that may occur when copying test to your remote session.

Computing Virtual Labs - Transferring Files

Overview of using SSH and RDP file transfers with Guacamole.

Navigating the GNOME desktop environment

This guide will get you more familiar with the GNOME desktop interface use in the School of Computing Linux Labs

SSH Error - Remote Host Identification Has Changed

Has it been a while since you connected to the School of Computing Linux Labs, or are you the mark in a man-in-the-middle attack? This guide can help.

SSH Fingerprints - EOS and Datacom

Published SSH Fingerprints for EOS and Datacom

Switching Computer Sources for Lab Station Displays

How to connect your personal device to the displays in DCIH505, and/or troubleshooting a seemingly unresponsive lab station.