Connecting to School of Computing (CIS) Linux Labs (EOS) from a Web Browser

When to Use (and Why)?

You can connect to a computer in the CIS (EOS) linux labs, without the use of a VPN, all within a web browser.

All three labs are available through this browser-based system, and you can start a full-GUI, Remote Desktop (RDP) session; or a command-line (SSH) session.


You must be currently enrolled in a CIS course or be a CIS faculty/staff member to access.


Guide Quick-Links

Logging into the CIS Virtual Lab Web Page

  1. In your web browser, go to
  2. Log in using your GVSU username and password
    (Faculty/Staff will be prompted for Duo Multi-factor Authentication)
    GVSU sign in page
  3. When you sign in, under All Connections, as a CIS student you should see options Arch, EOS, and DataComm labs—each with an RDP and SSH session.
    If you are not enrolled in any CIS courses you will not see any connections.
    cislab connection page showing the following connections: Arch RDP, Arch SSH, DataComm RDP, DataComm SSH, EOS RDP and EOS SSH
  4. Click on the connection you would like to start.

Choosing an SSH Session

  1. When prompted with "Login as:", enter your GVSU username
    Virtual labs SSH login prompt with "login as" at the command prompt
  2. Next, enter your GVSU password
  3. From here, you'll be logged into your command-line SSH session.
    CISlab SSH connection that is fully logged in
  4. When you're done with your session, type and enter exit.
  5. To return to the connections page, click Home. To logout of the cislab page, click Logout.
    Virtual labs logout prompt with title "Disconnected" a message of "you have been disconnected" and options "Home, Reconnect and Logout."

Unlike a traditional SSH session, you will not be able to reach your local computer for scp/sftp file transfers. See Transferring Your Local Files to CIS Linux Labs (documentation pending).


Choosing an RDP Session

Each lab (Arch, EOS and DataCmm) have RDP sessions available. When selecting an RDP option, you will authenticate with the following steps:

  1. When prompted, sign in again with your GVSU username and password.
    CISlab showing an RDP login prompt
  2. You'll now be logged into a GUI Remote Desktop session using the GNOME desktop environment. Click Activities in the top left to find software and access the file browser.
    cislab RDP session after first logging in
    See our guide, Navigating the GNOME desktop environment, to find out more about how to use these lab computers.
  3. When you're ready to end your session, click the Power icon (Power symbol) in the top right corner, and choose Power Off / Log Out > Log Out.
    cislab RDP session selecting logout
  4. To return to the connections page, click Home. To logout of the cislab page, click Logout.
    cislab showing the disconnected prompt with options "Home, Reconnect and Logout."

Please note, only one RDP connection per user, per computer is allowed. You may establish RDP connections to other computers with your GVSU account, but will not be able to connect to the same computer twice.

Common Errors

When you attempt to login via an RDP session, you might receive the following error:

error message: Connection Log. connecting to sesame ip port 3350  sesame connect ok  sending login info to session manager, please wait...  login failed for display 0

connecting to sesame ip port 3350

sesame connect ok

sending login info to session manager, please wait...

login failed for display 0

You will receive this message if you've entered in your username or password incorrectly. Since you've just logged in via the CISlab web-portal, it's mostly a typo.

It’s possible that a computer in the given lab is down. This CISlab portal just selects a computer at random from a list (your home folder will follow you to any lab computer). In that case, try singing in again. Another roll of the dice should get you connected to a different computer in the lab.

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