Computing Virtual Labs - Extended Copy and Paste Menu

When to Use?

Sometimes when copying and pasting between your local and remote session, things may not copy and paste correctly or formatting errors may occur.

Luckily, the Computing Virtual Labs has an extended copy and paste menu to help you overcome most of these issues.

Video Walkthrough

Computing Virtual Labs - Copy and Paste Menu (YouTube)


Accessing the Extended Copy and Paste Menu

  • On Windows, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift on your keyboard
  • On macOS, press Ctrl+Command+Shift on your keyboard
  • On a mobile device that doesn’t have a keyboard, the menu is accessed by swiping right from the left edge of the screen

You'll see a menu and text box appear on the left side of your browser window:

Animation of extended copy and paste menu opening and closing

To hide the menu, repeat the same keyboard combination or gesture for your operating system/device.

Copying and Pasting to your Remote Computer

  • Copy the text you want from your local computer
  • Access the extending copy and paste menu with the key combination or gesture for your operating system/device
  • Paste the text in the menu's text box
  • Close the extended copy and paste menu with the appropriate key combination or gesture for your operating system/device
  • In the remote computer, paste the text in your desired application or command line

Copying and Pasting to your Local Computer 

  • In your remote computer (within the web browser), copy the desired text
  • Access the extending copy and paste menu with the key combination or gesture for your operating system/device
  • Copy the text that appears in the menu's text box
  • On your local computer, paste the text in your desired application
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Article ID: 2137
Mon 12/20/21 9:34 AM
Fri 8/23/24 1:52 PM