Take Test Using Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor - Student (Ultra)

When to Use?

This article will walk you through how to take an assessment (i.e. test or assignment) that has Respondus LockDown Browser & Monitor enabled.


See also:



1. Navigate to your course’s Content page and locate the assessment.Indicator that a Test is Proctored by Respondus LockDown Browser

2. Once you have located the assessment on the Course Content list, click on the assessment toView Assessment open the Assessment panel.

3. Click on View Assessment.

4. If Respondus LockDown Browser and/or Monitor are enabled with the assessment, you may be prompted to open LockDown Browser.

Open LockDown Browser

5. Follow the prompts to open LockDown Browser.

  • NOTE: Your instructor controls which parts of Respondus LockDown Browser are enabled for each individual assessment. Some assessments may require you to use a webcam. Respondus will walk you through the individual guidelines, tips, etc. in order for you to access the assessment.

6. Once LockDown Browser opens it will immediately take you in to your assessment.

7. Do the assessment as you normally would and click Submit in the bottom right once finished.

8. Once your submission has been submitted, you can close out of LockDown Browser and be redirected back into Blackboard.


See also:

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Article ID: 7343
Fri 7/8/22 3:43 PM
Mon 5/6/24 10:00 AM