Blackboard to Banner Grades – Gnumber Statement & Instructions

When to Use?

This article will walk you through how to import grades from Blackboard to Banner using students Gnumbers.


During the Winter 2024 semester, the “ID” field in Blackboard now shows the entire Gnumber for a student instead of the last two digits.   This change has been made to allow faculty to move Final Grades from Blackboard to Banner more easily.   Faculty will need to ensure strict FERPA data security for Bb screens and downloads once this change is implemented.

The Gnumber is stored in Blackboard in the Student_ID field which is visible in the following places in Blackboard:

  • Gradebook (available to Instructors, & Teaching Assistants)


  • Base Navigation user profile page (available to individual user)

  • Grade Center download spreadsheet/csv (available to Instructors and Teaching Assistants)
  • System Admin User Search page


Instructions for Faculty:

**notes:  only students requiring mid-term grades show up in Banner template download for Midterm Grades


Export Grades from Blackboard - To be completed by the Instructor of Record for each Bb course site. 

  1. Open Course
  2. Click on Gradebook
  3. Ensure a final grade (or midterm) column exists with ‘Letter Grade’ as display type.



  • Allowed Letter Grades in Banner: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, F, CR, NC, I
  • A+ and D- do not exist in Banner but do in Blackboard.
  • Ensure there are no spaces around letter grade; spaces will cause upload to Banner to fail.

       4.  Download the Grade Center, select the Final Grade (or Midterm grade) column that contains the final letter grade.



**Caution:  this download contains confidential student data including Gnumbers and must be stored securely, should not be transmitted via email and must not be posted publicly.

        5. Open downloaded file

  1. Note: for Merged course sites, you will get one file with a Child Course ID column filled in. You will need to sort and then separate into separate files for Banner upload to the individual courses in Banner.

       6.  By default, your downloaded spreadsheet should be in .xls format and sorted by Last Name and First Name, if not, please ensure to: Sort the spreadsheet by student Last Name, and then First Names fields in Excel

  1.  Save the modified file in the XLS format


Import Grades to Banner (banner_9_faculty_grade_import_quick_reference_0220.pdf)

Banner 9 Faculty Grade Entry includes a function that allows faculty to import their grades one section at a time using a properly formatted Excel spreadsheet.

  1. Once you have entered the Banner 9 Faculty Grade Entry page, select the course you wish to grade. The student grade roster will appear in the lower pane, ready for grading.
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click on the gear icon and select Export Template. This will allow you to download an Excel spreadsheet to which you can add individual grades and then upload.


         3. Follow the download prompts, selecting the export file type and export destination.

            a. **Caution: This template contains confidential student data, including G numbers, and must be stored securely, should not be transmitted by email, and must not be posted publicly.

        4. Open the resulting file in Excel.

            a. Note: Dropped students will be listed with a grade of W on the template.  Remove or hide these rows.

        5. Sort the spreadsheet by full name and that is formatted "Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial".

        6. Add the grades from Blackboard download to the Banner template and include LDAA dates for any F or NC grades. (LDAA format:  mm/dd/yyyy)


      7. Save the Banner exported spreadsheet to save the newly entered data.

      8. To import your grade spreadsheet, return to Banner and click on the gear icon and select Import.


       9. Click Upload and follow the prompts to locate your recently saved grade template, then click upload again, then continue. 

       10. Follow the prompts to map your spreadsheet columns to match the import requirements. The required fields for a successful import of final grades are Term Code, CRN, Student ID, Final Grade (or 'Midterm Grade') and Last Attended Date. Recording a Last Attend Date is not required for Midterm Grade Entry. Follow the prompts to validate your import file. An improper grade (outside of standard GVSU grades), or improperly formatted LDAA dates will result in an error and that grade will not be imported with the rest.

      11. Once your import is complete, you will see a message that says, “The import wizard is complete,” click Finish.

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Article ID: 19736
Fri 5/31/24 10:45 AM
Fri 5/31/24 11:54 AM