Export Courses in Ultra - Instructor Self-Service

When to Use?

Instructors can export their courses to preserve them offline. The downloaded course package file can be uploaded into any Ultra course shell.

Please note the difference between an export and an archive of a course:

  • Export - process completed by instructors and includes course content only
  • Archive - process completed by Blackboard administrators. It includes course content AND student activity, grades, etc. 
    • Instructors cannot archive courses.


Click the 3-dot menu at the top of the course to initiate the export/archive process.

Course Content 3-dot menu


Click the square icon next to Course Export Packages to initiate the export process.

Export/Archive layer with the square icon highlighted to launch the export process.




Once the export package file has been created, a link to download the page will show under the Manual category. Click on the named package file to save it to your computer (rename appropriately to recognize it when you need it, i.e, CIS 101 Fall 2023 OL, etc.)

Icon and named export package file that can be downloaded by clicking it it.


The course package that was exported can be imported into any Blackboard Ultra course shell or template. Instructions are found in the knowledge base article, "Exporting/Importing Course In Blackboard Ultra."

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Article ID: 19564
Wed 5/15/24 10:59 AM
Mon 5/20/24 12:08 PM