Appointment Scheduler in Zoom for Blackboard Courses

When to Use?

Create an appointment booking schedule for office hours or other course meetings using the Appointment Scheduler in Zoom.


Follow the instructions from the following video to learn how to use the Appointment Scheduler in Zoom. This tool is only available through the Zoom LTI tool in Blackboard Ultra courses. You'll need to first add a link to Zoom in the course before setting up an appointment schedule. The video explains how.



Email student receives after scheduling an appointment using the Appointment Scheduler:

Confirmation email sent to student after scheduling an appointment.



Email the instructor receives when a student schedules an appointment using the Appointment Scheduler:

Confirmation email instructor receives when a student schedules an appointment.


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Article ID: 19334
Thu 4/25/24 10:53 AM
Tue 4/30/24 8:58 AM