"New Submission" Still Appears After Grading

When to Use?

Instructors may continue to see the "New Submission" marker, even after grading a student's assignment submission. This does not affect student's ability to view their grade and feedback, but might make it difficult for instructors to keep track of grading, and cause visual clutter. This article explains why this happens, and how to resolve it.


In Blackboard, assignments can be set to allow multiple attempts for students, and instructors have the flexibility to decide how to grade these attempts once students have submitted their work. Instructors can opt to assign a single override grade for all submissions, OR provide grades for each individual submission. Due to this, instructors can grade student submissions but still encounter the 'New Submission' marker. This applies even if the assignment is set to only allow 1 attempt.

1. In the Gradebook (grid view) in your course, click on the student submission that still shows "New Submission," then click View.

In the Gradebook of your course, click on the student submission that still shows "New Submission"

2. In the grading page, you will see one grade posted near the Final Grade. This is an override grade, which is a single grade for all the submissions the student made. Since entering a grade here does not count as grading an individual attempt, you will still see the New Submission marker.

In the grading page, you will see one grade posted near the Final Grade. This is an override grade, which is a single grade for all the submissions the student made. Since entering a grade here does not count as grading an individual attempt, you will still see the New Submission marker.

3. To resolve this, look at the individual attempts found under the Final Grade. You may need to click the ATTEMPT drop-down arrow to view each of the student's submissions, or you may only see one submission.

To resolve this, look at the individual attempts found under the Final Grade. You may need to click the Attempts drop down to view each of the student's submissions.

4. To grade the individual attempt submission, enter the grade in the attempt/submission grade pill. You can do this for each attempt the student made.

To grade the individual attempt submission, enter the grade in the Attempt grade pill. You can do this for each submission the student made.

Note: On larger screens, the attempt/submission grading pill may move closer to the student name.

Note: On larger screens, the attempt/submission grading pill may move closer to the student name

5. Once you've graded the student attempts/submission, you will see a grade automatically appear in the Final Grade pill. If the student has more than one submission, the final grade will be calculated based on the rules you set up in your assignment settings (e.g.: highest graded attempt, or average grade of all attempts, etc.)

Once you've graded the student attempts/submission, you will see a grade automatically appear in the Final Grade pill. If the student has more than one submission, the final grade will be calculated based on the rules you set up in your assignment settings (e.g.: highest graded attempt, or average grade of all attempts, etc.)

Note: You may need to click "Undo Override" if you still see the previous grade you entered in the Final Grade pill.

Note: If the instructor enters grades manually into the grid view of Gradebook, this also becomes an Override grade.

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Article ID: 16770
Tue 10/17/23 12:35 PM
Tue 10/17/23 12:36 PM