When to Use?
Instructors can add a Zoom chat channel to their course to provide additional communications with students. The channel is tied to the roster and can be updated as the roster updates, which means if students are dropped from the course and removed from the roster, those students will also be removed from the chat channel.
PLEASE NOTE: when courses end, students remain enrolled in courses, but they do not have access to them. Their access to the Zoom chat channel created for the course will also remain. You will need to either clear the chat, archive it, or delete it to eliminate students’ access to the chat channel.
Click on the purple plus sign to add content to your course. Choose Content Market.

Scroll to the bottom of the Content Market page to add a Zoom (LTI 1.3) link. Click on the plus sign to add the link.

Make the link visible to students.

Click on the Zoom Meeting link to access your Zoom account for your course.
Next, click on the 3-dot menu next to the Schedule a New Meeting button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Select Create a Zoom Chat Channel.

A pop-up window displays asking if you want the Zoom chat channel to automatically refresh channel members. Check the box to automatically refresh. This feature will remove from the chat channel any student who drops the course. The default setting for the channel is to refresh daily.

When the channel has been created, it will appear in your Zoom Desktop client and the Zoom web app. The members of the course will be listed as members of the channel.

The Zoom chat channel will function like any other chat channel.
When you want to delete the chat channel, click on the 3-dot menu again and choose Manage Zoom Chat channel.

A Delete Channel option appears. Click the link to delete the channel.

If you wish to clear the chat or archive it, select the 3-dot menu to access the channel options in the desktop app or web app. For more information, review the Zoom Team Chat Settings video.