Instructors can grant exceptions for graded assessments or exempt those grades entirely.
You can set exceptions from the assessment's Submissions page or from an individual submission.
When granting an exception, you can allow additional attempts or additional time to access an assessment, even if it is hidden to other students. You can even offer an exception for an assessment you've already graded and posted.
After you allow an exception, you'll see an icon next to the student's name. The assessment exception icon is the same icon that appears for accommodations.
1. Navigate to and open the assignment.
2. Click on the Submissions tab in the navigation menu.

3. Select the more options menu for the student that requires the exception.

4. Click Add or edit exceptions.

5. Change the due date and/or time for the student and then click Save.

6. A new due date icon will appear next to the student’s name.

Exempting a Graded Activity
If you need to excuse a student for completing a graded activity in your Blackboard Ultra course so that it does not impact the student's overall grade, you can Exempt a graded activity. This feature may also be useful if you provide alternative methods for completing assignments in your course (e.g. students choose to complete a written activity or a video submission).
1. Navigate to your Gradebook and ensure you are in the Gradable Items view.
2. Click the item you need to exempt for select students.

3. Next to the student you need to exempt, click the 3-dot menu and select Add or Edit Exemptions.

4. Select the Exempt Grade checkbox and click Save.
Add Exemptions for Anonymous Assessments
Instructors can also access the exemptions option for an anonymous assessment from the Student Overview page. This will make it easier for instructors to manage exemptions and ensure a fair and accurate grading process for all students.
Instructor view – “Essay: Sun proximity effects – Milky Way” assignment is anonymously graded; the instructor can access the “Add or edit exemption” option from the overflow menu

The exemption icon is not visible in the gradebook grid view until all grades have been posted to help ensure student anonymity

The exemption icon is not visible on an assessment submissions page until all grades have been posted; this helps to ensure student anonymity