How to Access and Use DocuSign
There are two GVSU DocuSign accounts/environments. To log in to both accounts, use your GVSU email and password.
Production –
This is the live environment where you can view, send, or manage e-signature documents.
Important Note: You do not create templates or forms in production. You must use the Demo environment. More details are provided below.
- Viewer Access Level: When you log in for the first time you will automatically be provided with Viewer access permissions to view all documents sent to you.
- Sender Access Level: If you need the ability to manage and send documents or use templates, request your access be changed by submitting a ticket. You will then have access to the Demo environment, see information below.
Demo –
The demo environment is for training, testing, and creation purposes.
- Submit a ticket to request access to the demo account.
- Creation: You will create your Templates and PowerForms in the demo environment (not production), allowing you to design and test workflows before transitioning them to production.
- Testing: This is a testing environment that allows you to practice without worry.
- Training: In the demo environment, you will have Admin access level to be able to practice and test what you are learning in the training videos.