Displaying an Overall Letter Grade

When to Use?

You can set up the Overall Grade column so that it can use your letter grade schema to display students' letter grades.


1. To set up an overall grade column, you can click Set it up when prompted to Set up the overall grade column; or Select the Settings icon to access the Gradebook Settings panel and scroll down to Overall Grade.

Set up the overall grade button, which appears in the gradebook when no other items are included yet.


Overall Grade setup button from the Gradebook Settings.

2. On the page that appears, you can configure how the overall grade is calculated.

3. To get started, choose between Gradebook item weights or Gradebook category weights in Overall Grade Settings. The course content list changes based on your selection, and you can begin to assign grade percentage weights. If you use category weights to calculate the overall grade, you can expand a category to see the graded items included.


Overall grade calculation choices to select when setting up the overall grade. Choices are Points or Weighted or Advanced.

4. To make items or categories exempt from the overall grade, select the Exempt icon next to the overall grade percentage field. The item or category turns gray to indicate that it's not included in the calculation. Select the icon again to include the item or category in the calculation again.

Circle with a line crossed through it to indicate this is the icon you click on to exclude an item from the overall grade.

When an item or category is exempted, the circle turns purple.

Exclude icon in purple indicating the item has been excluded from the overall grade.

5. When the overall grade is set up, click Save. The letter grade will appear in the grade pill.

Letter grade pill for a student showing the letter grade earned within the pill (B- shown in the pill).

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Article ID: 17453
Tue 11/28/23 10:42 AM
Tue 11/28/23 10:42 AM