When to Use?
If your course is running low on space but the items in the course's Content Collection are needed and in use, you can compress the images in a file. This is specifically for PDF files.
This article includes:
- Click here to go to Adobe.com
- In the main box at the top center of the page, click on Select a File
- Locate the file that you want to compress
- Once located, select the file and click on Open or OK
- Select your compression level (Suggest using Medium Compression) and then click Compress

- Your compressed PDF file should now be ready for download
- Open a PDF in Adobe Acrobat DC
- Choose File > Reduce File Size or Compress PDF
- NOTE: Adobe is testing the simplified optimized PDF experience with two different names - Reduce File Size or Compress PDF. Therefore, after updating to the latest release, you see either the Compress PDF option or the Reduce File Size option. From the functionality perspective, both the options are the same.
- Choose the location to save the file and click Save. Adobe Acrobat DC displays a message showing the successful reduction in PDF size.

** Please note that when re-attaching the newly reduced size files to your Blackboard course and their content items, you will need to delete the original sized file from the Content Collection **
- Navigate back to your Blackboard course where you would like this file placed
- Once in the course, go to the Course Management section
- Within that section go to Content Collection > click on the Course ID of the current course that you are working in

- Locate the original uploaded file from this list and Delete it. Doing so will remove the original file and allow you a little more course quota
- Navigate back to the content area/item that this original file was once placed
- With the original file deleted, you will receive an error such as this one when looking at the content area/item:

- Click on the drop-down button next to the title and select Edit
- Scroll through the settings until you get to the Attachments section
- Within that section, you will see the error again about an Invalid File
- Click on Mark for removal (this will change it to Unmark for removal)

- This will remove the Invalid File from the content item
- In the Attach Files box, select Browse Local Files
- Navigating through your documents until you find the newly reduced size file that we compressed and saved earlier
- Once located and selected click on Open or OK
- The newly reduced size file has now been attached to this content item
- Click Submit in the bottom right-hand corner to save your changes
- You should now see the newly reduced size file attached to the content item
- Repeat steps as needed
For more information please see: Helpful File Tips to Save Course Quota and Managing Course Files