Blackboard Ultra Instructor Orientation

When to Use?

This article provides information on how to find the Blackboard Learn Ultra Self-Paced Training for Instructors. This self-paced orientation is available for all Faculty and Staff, and they will be auto-enrolled into the orientation course site.


All Faculty and Staff are auto-enrolled in the Ultra Self-Paced Training. To find the orientation:

1. Log in to Blackboard at

2. Click the Courses tab on the left-hand navigation menu

3. In the Courses page, click the Current Courses dropdown at the center of the screen, and select Professional Development.

All faculty have access to Ultra Self-Paced Training through their Blackboard login.To find it, click the Current Courses Dropdown Menu then Select Professional Development. Select the Star icon to add it to your favorites.

4. Find the Blackboard Learn Ultra Self-Paced Training. You can now select the Star icon to add the training to your favorites, making it easier to find in the future.

Note: Instructors will also have access to the Student Bb Ultra Online/Hybrid Orientation, which can also be found under Professional Development in Blackboard. For detailed instructions on how you or your students can find the training, please see Blackboard Ultra Student Orientation.

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