Respondus Lockdown Browser Illicitly Modified Error

When to Use?

If you receive a "Respondus Illicitly Modified" error message when launching Respondus LockDown Browser its possible that your computer may have been tampered with or potentially modified in a way that violates its security protocols. This suggests a possible attempt to hack or alter the application, which will prevent you from using Lockdown Browser and completing your exam.


Here are some troubleshooting steps to consider if you receive this error:

  1. Check for updates to ensure that you have the latest version of LockDown Browser installed.
  2. Completely uninstall and then reinstall the latest version of LockDown Browser using the link in your Blackboard course.
  3. Run a thorough scan of your computer for potential malware that could be causing the issue. 
  4. Contact Respondus Technical Support directly for assistance in resolving this error.
  5. If the test date/time is near find an alternative computer/device to complete the exam. All GVSU on-campus computer labs have Respondus Lockdown Browser installed.
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