Reuse Questions (Ultra) - Instructor

When to Use?

In a Blackboard Ultra course, you can reuse questions and other content from all existing tests, assignments, and question banks in your course. On the Reuse Questions page, you can browse, preview, filter, and select questions created or imported into your course. You can view the questions, but you can't make edits until you copy the questions to your assessment. You can also reuse other content you added to assessments, such as text blocks, files, images, and videos.

You can't reuse questions when these settings or conditions exist:

  • You've added a rubric to your assessment.
  • You've chosen to collect submissions offline.
  • Students have opened the assessment.

See also: Learning Modules and Folders (Ultra)


1. First, navigate into your assessment and hover your cursor until you see the plus icon (+).

2. Click the plus icon (+) to access the content options and select Reuse questions from the list.

Reuse Question in an Assessment

3. You will be taken to a Reuse Questions page where you can filter criteria based on Sources, Question Types, and Keyword Searches. On the left hand side, the Filter Criteria panel is open by default while all questions and assessment content appear in the Sources area on the right. The active filter area changes automatically as you select or clear criteria. You can expand and collapse sections as needed.

Filter Criteria - Keyword Search and SourcesFilter Criteria - Question Types

4. In the Filter Criteria panel, select the assessments, question banks, question types, and tags you want to browse.

  • NOTE: Text and files you added to your assessments appear in the Question Types section as Other.Reuse Questions Panel

5. The panel to the right will show your search results. From there you can select which question, text, etc. you would like to reuse, or copy.

  • NOTE: You cannot edit the content or the point value of the question until you copy the items into the assessment. Questions with goal alignments appear with trophy icons next to the point values. Goal alignments copy with the questions.

6. Select the check boxes for the questions and assessment content you want to copy. You can view how many items you've selected in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.

7. Select Clear all, located at the top of the Sources list, to clear the check boxes in the Sources section. You can also use Select all and Clear all to choose all and remove all questions.

8. Once you have chosen your desired questions and assessment content, select Copy Questions, located in the bottom right-hand corner.

9. The questions and assessment content will be copied to your current assessment. From within the assessment, you will receive the following notification: X questions copied successfully to the assessment

X questions copied successfully to the assessment


10. You can edit the copies in your assessment without concern. Other assessments aren't affected. Changes you make to one instance of the question or content aren't reflected in the other instances. If you want changes to show in all instances, you must find and edit each copied instance.



See also: Reuse Questions

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Article ID: 7084
Wed 6/29/22 3:14 PM
Thu 6/30/22 1:25 PM