When to Use?
This article will walk you through updating your Blackboard’s Notification Settings in Ultra Base Navigation.
How to Access Global Notification Settings
The notification system alerts you when events occur in your courses, such as when items are due, grades are available, new content and tests are made available, and when you have unread discussions and blogs. Notifications are generated automatically whenever the associated events occur. The notification settings also determine how you receive emails from Announcements (Immediately or once per day in a Daily Digest at 11pm).
You can choose the notifications you receive and how they're delivered to you from the Activity Stream or your Profile Page.
1. Click your name from the menu. This is your profile page.
2. Under the Global Notification Settings section, you can set up notifications for your course activities.

1. Click the Activity Stream page from the menu.
2. Select the Stream Settings gear icon to open the Notification Settings panel.

Notification Types
Stream notification settings determine what shows up in your Activity Stream in Blackboard. By default, all options are selected.

Email notification settings determine when you will receive an email to your GVSU email account for the activity that occurs in Blackboard.
By default, email once per day is selected. eLearning Technologies at GVSU recommends changing this to 'Email me right away'.
Other settings are optional but will impact how often you receive emails from Blackboard. If a message is sent in Blackboard via Messages, you will not receive an email to your GVSU email unless you select New Message.

Push notifications determine alerts received when using the Blackboard app. By default, none of the options are selected.