Self-enroll in a Group in the Ultra Course View

When to Use?

Your instructor may ask you to self-enroll in a group to complete a group assignment, group test, or participate in a group discussion. Follow the instructions below or review the video to learn how.


  • For assessments where you must self-enroll, you may see an enrollment period. You must join a group before the deadline. If you haven't joined a group, you're notified when the enrollment deadline approaches.
  • You can also see if the enrollment period isn't open yet or has closed. If you don't join a group by the enrollment deadline, the system will automatically assign you to a group.
  • If you access the assessment, a panel opens with a link to join a group. You can't view the assessment until you join a group. Select the link to access the groups page.
  • The groups you can join appear on the groups page. Based on your instructor's settings, you might see Show Members links that display the names of other members who joined before you.
  • In the Number of Students column, you can see how many members are allowed to join each group.
  • Select Join to join a group. Once you join a group, you can move to another group so long as the enrollment period is still open, and the group has not submitted work.
  • After you join a group, you can view the group assessment and begin collaborating.

See also: Submit Group Assignments

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Article ID: 4988
Mon 4/11/22 10:14 AM
Mon 8/15/22 9:15 AM