Make Content Available to Students or Participants

When to Use?

There are three rules for releasing content to students: Visible to students, Hidden from students, and Release conditions.

NOTE: these rules also apply to making content viewable to participants in an organization.


Releasing content to students can be accomplished from three separate locations, the link to the content from the Content area of the course, the settings for the item when creating or editing content, and from the Batch Edit area of the course.

Content Area

Visibility option from the link for the content item. Click the dropdown arrow to expand the choices.


Settings Area When Creating or Editing Content

Visibility options for the content item when creating or editing it.



Batch Edit

The Batch Edit area of the course can be accessed from the top-level, 3-dot menu in the course content area.

Batch Edit option from the top-level 3-dot menu in the course content area.


From the Batch Edit area, click the box next to the item you’d like to make visible or hidden from students, then click inside the Options box in the lower right corner of the page. Select Edit visibility.

Batch Edit area of the course showing a list of content. Select the box next to the content that needs visibility changed, then choose Edit visibility from the Edit selection box in the lower right corner.


The default setting for releasing content is Hidden from students. This applies to content newly created in Ultra or copied over from Blackboard Classic.

Hidden from students option from the visibility menu for the content item.

Visible to students option from the visibility menu for the content item.


When Release conditions is selected, the Release Conditions layer opens showing the conditions that can be selected for releasing content to students.


Grade Visible to Students in Gradebook When Item is Hidden by Release Conditions

An option to 'Hide' selected content from students is available. This setting also hides the grade from the student view of the gradebook.

Instructors can set release conditions without concern of hiding grades. Regardless of the setting in "When will content appear?", students can see the grade. All other functionality of release conditions is unchanged.

Image 1

Release conditions settings with date/time release condition set in combination with Hide state in “When will content appear?”


Image 2. Student gradebook view with display of student’s grade regardless of the release condition setting in Image 1

Student gradebook view with display of student’s grade regardless of the release condition setting in Image 1


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Article ID: 13117
Tue 4/11/23 3:21 PM
Mon 6/10/24 1:30 PM