Create a Hypothesis JSTOR Assignment

When to Use?

Follow the steps below to add a JSTOR article to a Hypothesis assignment in a Blackboard Ultra course.


1. Find the JSTOR stable URL of the article that you will be assigning.

A. Navigate to the JSTOR Database on the University Libraries website.

B. Open the article that you will be assigning.

C. In the content metadata section of the page, usually above or to the left of the content’s full-text preview, locate and copy the article’s stable URL. You will use this URL later when you create the Hypothesis assignment in your Learn Ultra course.


2. Create the Hypothesis JSTOR assignment in your Learn Ultra course.

A. From the Course Content page, click on the plus (+) icon to show the Create Content menu. Select Content Market.

Accessing the Content Market

B. Under Institution Tools locate Hypothesis and click the plus (+) icon in the lower right corner. Note: Do not click anywhere else on the Hypothesis panel but the small plus icon.

Hypothesis Tool

C. A Hypothesis content item should now be visible on the Course Content page. Click the 3 dots on the right side of the Hypothesis item and select Edit.

Edit Hypothesis Item

D. Change the name of the Hypothesis assignment to something appropriate. Check the box to Create gradebook entry for this item if desired and set the grading options.

E. Click Save when finished.

F. Click on the newly created content item to finish configuring your Hypothesis assignment. In the Assignment details window, click Select JSTOR article.

Select JSTOR Article

G. Paste the JSTOR stable URL from step 1 above and select Enter on your keyboard. Hypothesis will indicate that it can access the text by showing the article title and a thumbnail of the text.

Paste the link to the JSTOR Article

H. Click the Accept and continue button.

I. Complete the remaining Assignment details and click Continue.

J. The text will open with the Hypothesis Annotations panel on the right. 

JSTOR Article in Hypothesis

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Article ID: 12609
Thu 3/9/23 8:26 AM
Tue 9/19/23 1:01 PM