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You can export any notes that you have access to in Hypothesis. This includes any shared notes in Public, notes in private groups of which you’re a member, and your own private annotations and highlights. Exported JSON files can then be imported into other Hypothesis assignments, while the other file types can be saved for your own records. This makes it very easy to reuse annotations that you've created from one semester to the next.
If you are using a GVSU Save/VitalSource eBook in your Blackboard course and want to use it with a Hypothesis assignment, this guide will provide step-by-step instructions for setting up and configuring the assignment in your course.
If your instructor has created a Hypothesis assignment in your Blackboard course that requires reading and interacting with content from your GVSU Save/VitalSource eBook, this guide will provide step-by-step instructions for accessing the eBook and launching the assignment.
Hypothesis is a tool that lets you annotate readings with rich-text features, view annotations added by your instructor, and respond to other classmates' annotations. This guide will teach you how to use Hypothesis.
This article will show you how to add a Hypothesis assignment to a Blackboard Ultra course using GVSU Save/VitalSource materials.
This article will show you how to add Hypothesis enabled readings in a Blackboard Ultra course.
This article will show you how to add a JSTOR article to a Hypothesis assignment in a Blackboard Ultra course.