Upperclassman Housing Assignments

What Are Upperclassman Housing Assignments?

As a returner, you have the opportunity to choose your own room and living experience. These spaces include variations of efficiency, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and four-bedroom apartments as well as off-campus, Grand Valley leased spaces.We understand that some of these spaces may be more desirable than others for many different reasons, but we only have a limited quantity of certain styles. Please keep an open mind if you are unable to choose your desired style.

What to Expect With No Housing Assignment

Returning Students with a Submitted Housing Application

We would like to provide you with the following helpful information: 

  • The self-selection process remains open until July 15th. Spaces will go into the pool for selection as they become available through cancellations and room changes.  

  • Cancellations tend to follow trends, and we expect an increase in available spaces around the end of the Fall Semester and early January, and during the month of April in advance of the May 1st deadline. 

  • If your plans change and you will be living off campus, please submit a cancellation via the myHousing portal.  

GVSU Housing appreciates your interest in living on campus and your patience throughout this process. 

How to View Your Housing Assignment

Roommate and room assignment information is subject to change. To access your most up to date room assignment & roommate contact information, follow the steps below:

  1. Access myBanner with your GVSU credentials supplied in your letter of admission.
  2. Once logged in, select "Student" and then select "myHousing".
  3. Your housing assignment and roommate information will be listed under "My Assignments" in your myHousing portal.

Contact myhousing@gvsu.edu for additional housing assignment questions or concerns.

Returning/Transfer/Graduate Student Assignments

Returning, Transfer & Graduate students participate in room selection. You may self-select a specific unit based on the building, floor, unit, bedroom, and roommates that you would like. Note: roommate requests must be mutual.  After applying for housing, Phase one: Select who you would like to live with via My College Roomie.  Phase two: Select WHERE you would like to live, via the Housing Selection process in your myHousing portal.  For Fall-Winter, Phase One begins in the first week of November.  Phase Two, the selection of rooms, begins the following week in November. 

You can choose between our apartments on the Allendale Campus (CalderGrand Valley ApartmentsLaker VillageSouth C, D & E and VanSteeland), the Downtown Campus (Secchia and Winter), a Living-Learning Community, or Grand Valley leased, off-campus unit located at Campus West or 48 West.

The room Selection Process opens in mid-November and will remain open until July 15th. When you apply for Housing, you will automatically be added to the Selection Process. Please note, the process will be temporarily shut down in late November.

How to Select Rooms During Room Selection

Special Accommodations
Room Change Requests - Before Move-In
Room Change Requests - After Move-In
Cancellation of Future Contract Prior to Residency
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