Creating a Panopto Video Assignment

When to Use?

Assignments can easily be set up in your course for students to submit Panopto videos too. This article will walk you through the steps of creating an Assignment area for your students to submit to.

See also: Creating a Video Assignment in Blackboard Ultra (Video)

This article is meant for instructors. If you are looking for information on how to use Panopto as a student, please refer to out Student Panopto Knowledge Base.

Creating an Assignment

1. Go to your course's Content tab and click the plus icon (+) to access content options.

2. From the content list, select Create.

Create Course Content

3. Create Item menu will appear on the right-hand side of the screen. Scroll through the list until you reach the Assessments area, then click on Assignment.

4. Create the assignment the same way you would any other assignment in Blackboard (More information on Creating Assignments in Blackboard Ultra can be found here).

5. Click on the plus icon (+) to Add Text to the assignment.

Add Text to an Assignment

6. Within the text area, you can add instructions to prompt students to submit/embed their Panopto videos to this assignment.


7. Ensure that the assignment is made available to students and close the assignment creation tab to save any changes.

Visible to students

8. Students can now go to the Assignment and embed their Panopto video for a submission attempt.

See also: Submitting Panopto Video Assignment in a Blackboard Ultra Course - Student


Grade Assignment Submissions

1. Navigate to your course's Gradebook tab​​​​​.

2. Ensure that within the Gradebook you are viewing Gradable Items. Scroll through the Gradebook until you locate the video assignment.

Gradebook Gradable Items

3. Click on the assignment to view submissions. Under the Status column, you can see who has/has not made a submission to the assignment.

4. Click on a student's name to open their submission attempt.

5. Within their submission attempt you can view their embedded video, provide a grade, as well as provide feedback.

Navigating Assignment Submission Area

6. Provide the student with a grade for the assignment, as well as any necessary feedback. Once changes have been made to the submission, close out of the submission tab.

7. You will then be taken back to the Gradebook where you will see a new option to Post the grade(s). You have the option of posting an individual grade for a single student or for any submission attempts that have been graded.

Post Grades

8. Once Grades have been posted, the grade and any provided feedback will be viewable to students.

See also: Check Grades in Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Experience



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