Adding Users to Course Sites

When to Use?

Learn about adding users of various access levels to Blackboard course sites. 


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Enrollments for Course Sites Created from Banner

Student enrollments are added to Blackboard courses three weeks prior to the beginning of a new semester; however, instructors determine the availability of Blackboard courses. Updates resulting from students dropping or adding courses are reflected in Blackboard within three hours of the change in Banner.

Blackboard student enrollments are received from Banner every three hours. Any student not registered for a course in Banner, but needs access to the site in Blackboard, must first receive permission from the Registrar’s Office.   See Adding User to Course Sites from Banner below.

Instructors of record in Banner are uploaded to Blackboard every three hours. Only the instructor of record or course coordinator can request access to other users in their Blackboard course sites (such as teaching assistants or fellow instructors). To add any GVSU Faculty or Staff to a course site that is created from Banner, The Blackboard Enroll User Request service should be used.

Course Access Levels

  • Instructor - access to all areas of the course, can change privileges, access to grade center, receives emails from students who email “instructors” via the Messages tool.  Profile picture shows in left course menu. 
  • TA - Users with the Teaching Assistant role have access to most of the course. If the course is unavailable to students, teaching assistants may still access the course. Teaching assistants can't remove an instructor from a course.
  • Grader - access to the grade center and assessment part of the control panel, cannot edit course content except to make tests available.
  • Course Builder - add/modify/delete content from the course site, access to the documents part of the control panel, cannot access grade center, can view Users & Groups, can create Grade Center columns with Batch Create Grade Columns tool.
  • Student - no access to the control panel or grade center, access to student roster, and all available tools in the course 

**Please ensure you are requesting the minimal amount of access that the individual needs to ensure student success in the course.   

Adding Users to Course Sites from Banner

GVSU faculty/staff enrollment requests can happen without Registrar's Office's involvement or permission.  To add a faculty or staff person to a course site that is created from Banner, the Blackboard Enroll User Request service should be used. 

NOTE: Any guest or student enrollments in Banner semester course sites, including captioners and tutors, must use the Registrar's Office form to request access.  **You need to be on campus or VPN for this form.

FERPA Notice

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of a student’s educational records. Personally identifiable information in a student's educational record is considered private and confidential. This information can be accessed by faculty and staff in order to perform their legitimate educational duties for business purposes.  Being enrolled in a course that you are not assigned to as the official instructor of record provides you with access to student records which are protected under FERPA.

Learn more about FERPA at GVSU.


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Article ID: 5645
Thu 5/5/22 2:42 PM
Wed 9/4/24 10:55 AM

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