How to Login to Blackboard, the Learning Management System (LMS)

When to Use (or Why)?

Follow the steps if you are having trouble logging into Blackboard, the learning management system (LMS) at GVSU.  Choose the login type below and follow the steps to log in and troubleshooting steps provided if needed:


Using GVSU Network ID and Password

LMS login page with arrow pointing to GVSU Network login & ID areago to:

To login to the learning management system (LMS) with your GVSU network ID and password, click the "SIGN IN WITH YOUR GVSU NETWORK ID AND PASSWORD" button.  This will redirect to the single-sign-on login for GVSU. Once successfully authenticated with DUO multi-factor authentication, you will be logged into the LMS.

If you have issues logging into the LMS with your GVSU network ID and password, please follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Please log out of all web applications. ​​​​

  2. Please be sure to clear your browser cache for All Time and then restart your computer.   But please be sure you follow all of the steps in the How to Clear Your Browser's Cache, Cookies, and History article.

  3. After you restart your computer, do not log in to anything (especially GVSU Gmail) and go to, you should see a login screen like the one to the right – if you don’t, start over on clearing cache, etc.  

  4. Please do not use saved credentials and do not use a bookmark you’ve made yourself.  Use the link in this article or the link on the website.   

  5. Click the "SIGN IN WITH YOUR GVSU NETWORK ID AND PASSWORD".  That will bring you to the Single-Sign On page.    Use your ID and password you use to log in to the LMS normally, do not use your email address, just the part before or

  6. If you still have trouble, we need to know what errors you are getting specifically.  If you can include a screenshot, that would be great.  Submit a ticket to the Service Portal if you continue to have trouble.


Using Non-GVSU Network Account Login

LMS login page with arrow pointing to Non-GVSU Network login link areaTo log in to the learning management system (LMS) with a guest account or non-GVSU network login, click the "Non-GVSU Network Account Login" link.  

If you have issues logging into the LMS with your non-GVSU network ID and password, please follow these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Please log out of all web applications. 

  2. Please be sure to clear your browser cache for All Time and then restart your computer.   But please be sure you follow all of the steps in the How to Clear Your Browser's Cache, Cookies, and History KB article

  3. After you restart your computer, do not log in to anything and go to, you should see a login screen like the one shown on the right – if you do not, start over on clearing cache, etc.  

  1. Please do not use saved credentials and do not use a bookmark you’ve made yourself.  Use the link in this article or the link on the website.   

  2. Click the 'Non-GVSU Network Account Login' link.  That will pop down a place to enter your non-GVSU ID & password.   

  3. If you still have trouble, we need to know what errors you are getting specifically.  If you can include a screenshot, that would be great.  Submit a ticket to the Service Portal if you continue to have trouble.

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Article ID: 5303
Thu 4/21/22 11:11 AM
Wed 9/25/24 3:01 PM

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