Batch Edit Content Settings

When to Use?

You can use Batch Edit to update common settings across all content. This is helpful as you can make items available all at once. It also allows you to change dates for assignments and other content for the next semester. Follow the instructions below or view the video to learn more.


1. To get started, from the course content page, open the menu on the right side above the content list and select Batch Edit.

batch edit menu

2. Your content appears just as it does on the Course Content page.

content list

3. Select the checkbox next to the module, folder or items you want to update.

4. At the bottom-right of the window, the following options are listed Edit dates, Edit visibility or Delete items.

bulk edit options

5. Edit dates in the Options menu.

  1. When editing visibility, you can choose to show or hide the content from students.
  2. If you hide a module/folder from students, all content within the module/folder is also hidden.
  3. If you make a module/folder visible, you can assign different release dates for individual items or the whole folder/module.

individual item edit

6. When editing dates, you can choose to update due dates based on the course start date, based on a number of days or change to a specific date and/or time.

  1. When you are finished, click the Edit Dates button.
  2. After your content updates, you can select View Details to confirm which content was updated.

edit date options



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Article ID: 5302
Thu 4/21/22 10:56 AM
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