Microsoft 365 will impose size limits on how large an individual email message can be. The largest size a single message can be within the Microsoft 365 environment is 150MB total. To allow some additional room during the move to Microsoft 365, GVSU IT has been alerting anyone with an email over 125 MB that these emails cannot be moved to the new Microsoft 365 email system.
If you have received an alert from GVSU IT that your mailbox contains one of these large email messages, or if you are curious how to continue sending large files via email within Microsoft 365, please continue reading.
You have two options when dealing with these older, large messages: 1) Delete the message if they're no longer needed, or 2) Save the message elsewhere if you still need to reference it. See the steps for both options below:
Option One - Delete the Message
If you no longer need this large email, you can simply delete it from your account.
- Locate the message in Outlook using the search feature. The email from IT will contain the email subject, what folder the email is in, and who the email was sent to.

- Once located, right-click the email message and click "Delete"

Option 2 - Save the Message to Your Computer
If you still need this large email, we recommend saving it to your computer instead of keeping it in your inbox:
- Locate the email message in Outlook using the search feature. The email from IT will contain the email subject, what folder the email is in, and who the email was sent to.
- Open the email message
- Click File

- Click Save As

- Select the folder where you'd like to save the email message, give the message a name, and click Save

Frequently Asked Questions
Now that my email is in Microsoft 365, how do I send emails with attachments larger than 125MB?
Microsoft OneDrive is the best option for sharing large files. See our guide for how-to setup OneDrive and use it for sending large files for more information.
Are there any other limitations with Microsoft 365 I should know about?
Microsoft 365 maintains a large list of settings with various limits and controls. While most users should never encounter the limits of Microsoft 365 email, if you'd like to read more about them, please see this Microsoft guide on Microsoft 365 and Exchange online limits.
Need Further Support?
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