When to Use?
The "Show Your Work" feature allows students to upload images of worksheets they've prepared during their test. When enabled, the student will be given the opportunity to upload photos of their work immediately after they submit their exam.
NOTE: This feature is only available if "Respondus Monitor" has been selected as the proctoring option for the test.
Enable Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor for your test. In the Proctoring section select Advance Settings and then click the "Show Your Work" checkbox.

If desired, edit the default text that students will see when the "Show Your Work" page is displayed. To do this, click the "Edit Text" link.
It’s also recommended that you enable the "Additional Instructions" step in the Monitor startup sequence and edit the message to include an explanation of the "Show Your Work" requirement. This will alert students to the requirement before they begin the exam.
For additional information view Respondus Support page.