Difference Between Selecting “Subtract points for incorrect answers” and “Allow partial credit”

When to Use?

The eLearning Technologies team tested these point variances to determine the end result on exam scores.


Scenario #1 – Subtract Points for Incorrect Answers

A test question contains 4 answers, 3 are right but the student chose all 4.  Would they only get .66 points for the question because you would subtract “one” for the answer they chose wrong?  Or is the Subtract points for incorrect answers subtracting an entire point from their text total?

If the question is worth 10 points and the student selects all four possible answers, they will receive a score of 7.5 out of 10. Blackboard Ultra takes the overall point total for the question and divides it by the number of possible answers. This amount is then deducted from the overall total for each incorrect answer selected.

Example: All four answers selected.

Sample test question allowing for partial credit; 4 out of 4 answers selected.


However, if the student selects only 2 correct answers then they will receive a score of 6.66 out of 10. Blackboard Ultra takes the overall point total for the question and divides it by the number of possible correct answers. This amount is then deducted from the overall total for each correct answer that was not selected.


Example: Two correct answers out of three selected.

Sample test question allowing for partial credit; 2 out of 3 correct answers selected.

In this scenario, a student can actually earn more points for selecting all of the answers, including the wrong answer, rather than erring on the side of caution and only selecting two of the three correct answers.


Scenario #2 – Allow Partial Credit

We have been doing the Allow partial credit and with this if there are 3 right answers and they choose all four, they still get the full point, so no problem selecting all four answers…you would always get 100% right?!

Yes, this correct. If the question is worth 10 points and the student selects all four possible answers then they will receive a score of 10 out of 10. It does not deduct any points from the overall total for each incorrect answer selected.

Example: Three correct and one incorrect answer out of four selected.

Sample test question allowing for partial credit; 4 correct answers selected when only 3 are correct.

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Article ID: 11533
Wed 12/21/22 3:23 PM
Wed 12/21/22 3:23 PM