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This guide explains how to move your files and folders from your local computer or another storage location into OneDrive.
Best practice for safeguarding data and files while working on personal computers, including MAC
Procedures on when staff or faculty have to return a computer that was assigned to them by the Information Technology (IT) department.
What Dryad is and how to associate your account with GVSU.
Data Domains are high-level grouping of interrelated University data pertaining to a common purpose. Each Data Domain is assigned one or more Responsible Officer and one or more Data Steward for data sharing and integrity
This article outlines the process for backing up and retrieving your data on a GVSU owned Macintosh machine. It is intended for GVSU faculty and staff.
Responsible officers, data stewards, and subject matter experts roles and responsibilities
Grand Valley data security classifications and university risk impact.
This article outlines the process for backing up and retrieving your data on a GVSU owned Windows machine. It is intended for GVSU faculty and staff.