Mac Update Policy

Tags Mac macos


Information Technology regularly deploys application and system updates for University-owned Mac computers. These updates enhance performance, fix security vulnerabilities, and introduce new features. Once IT completes testing, updates become available for you to install.

macOS Upgrades and Updates

Apple releases major macOS upgrades every Fall. After validation testing, which can take up to 90 days, the upgrade becomes available for installation on Office computers. Lab computers are upgraded during the Summer.


Minor macOS updates are released every six weeks and are pushed to your computer after testing.

How to Upgrade or Update macOS

To update or upgrade macOS, open System Settings from the Apple menu , the select Software Update. Click on “Update Now” to proceed. Only IT-approved updates will be available for installation.

macOS Versions

Monterey (macOS 12): Support ended on May 1, 2024

Ventura (macOS 13): Supported until May 1, 2025

Sonoma (macOS 14): Currently supported

Sequoia (macOS 15): Currently supported

If your computer doesn’t meet the minimum requirements for Ventura, contact IT Services:

Apple Support

Application Updates

Applications like Adobe Acrobat Reader, Google Chrome, Microsoft Office, and Mozilla Firefox receive monthly updates from IT. Security issues identified by the Chief Information Security Officer are addressed with accelerated updates when necessary.

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