Analyze and format in Excel

When to Use?

Use Excel to analyze and format data.


I. Automatically fill a column with Flash Fill

For example, automatically fill a First Name column from a Full Name column.

  1. In the cell under First Name, type Molly and press Enter.

  2. In the next cell, type the first few letters of Garret.

  3. When the list of suggested values appears, press Return.

Select Flash Fill Options Flash Fill Options Iconfor more options.

Try it! Select File > New, select Take a tour, and then select the Fill Tab.

Flash filling a column of data

II. Quickly calculate with AutoSum

  1. Select the cell below the numbers you want to add.

  2. Select Home > AutoSumThe AutoSum button

  3. Press Enter.

Tip: For more calculations, select the down arrow next to AutoSum, and select a calculation.
You can also select a range of numbers to see common calculations in the status bar. See View summary data on the status bar.

Using AutoSum

III. Create a chart

Use the Quick Analysis tool to pick the right chart for your data.

  1. Select the data you want to show in a chart.

  2. Select the Quick Analysis button button imageto the bottom-right of the selected cells.

  3. Select Charts, hover over the options, and pick the chart you want.

Try it! Select File > New, select Take a tour, and then select the Charts tab. For more information, see Create charts.

Excel Quick Chart

IV. Use conditional formatting

Use Quick Analysis to highlight important data or show data trends.

  1. Select the data to conditionally format.

  2. Select the Quick Analysis button button imageto the bottom-right of the selected cells.

  3. Select Formatting, hover over the options, and pick the one you want.

Try it! Select File > New, select Take a tour, and then select the Analyze Tab.

Using Quick Analysis to highlight data

V. Freeze the top row of headings

Freeze the top row of column headings so that only the data scrolls.

  1. Press Enter or Esc to make sure you are done editing a cell.

  2. Select View > Freeze Panes > Freeze Top Row.

For more information, see Freeze panes.

Excel Freeze Panes

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Article ID: 20776
Mon 8/5/24 12:26 PM
Mon 8/5/24 12:27 PM