When to Use?
With Microsoft Forms you can create a form, such as a survey or quiz, invite others to respond to it using almost any web browser or mobile device, see real-time results as they're submitted, use built-in analytics to evaluate responses, and export results to Excel for additional analysis or grading.
Start a new quiz
Select + New Quiz.
Enter a name for your quiz and an optional description.
Note: Quiz titles can contain up to 90 characters. Descriptions can have up to 1,000 characters.
Note: To insert media, select 
Note: Your quiz is saved automatically while you create it.
Add questions
Select + Add new to add a new question to your quiz.
Choose what kind of question you want to add, such as Choice, Text, Rating, or Date questions. Select More question types for Ranking, Likert, File upload, or Net Promoter ScoreĀ® question types.
Tip: To organize sections for your questions, select Section.
Tip: You can also format your text. Highlight a word or words in your title or questions, and then choose any of the following: Bold (keyboard shortcut - CTRL/Cmd+B), Italic (keyboard shortcut - CTRL/Cmd+I), Underline (keyboard shortcut - CTRL/Cmd+U), Font color, Font size, Numbering, or Bullets.
Using the Choice question type as an example, add your question and answers. Select + Add option to add more answer options.
You can set up answer options for
Multiple answers
(More options)
(More options) offers these options:
Shuffle options
Add branching
Select the Correct Answer check mark next to the correct answer or answers.
Note: You can select All of the above or None of the above as an option.
To remove an answer, select the trash can button next to it. You can also choose to make a question required or allow multiple choices for a question by changing the settings at the bottom of the question.
Add a number in the Points text box to assign a point value for a correct answer to the quiz question.
Select the Message icon next to any answer if you want to customize a message for it. Respondents will see the message when they have selected that answer.
To display math formulas, select More settings for question > Math.
Select Enter an equation to trigger various math symbols and formula options to use in your quiz.

Tip: Select the Copy question icon in the upper right corner of a question to duplicate it. To change the order of the questions, click or tap the Up or Down arrows on the right side of each question.
Preview your quiz
Select Preview to see how your quiz will look.
To test out your quiz, answer the questions in Preview mode, and the select Submit.
To keep editing your quiz, select Back.
More resources
Now that you have the basics down, you can also customize your form theme, add a picture to a question, create sections, use branching logic, and more.
See what else you can do with Microsoft Forms.