Score a Rubric in an Offline Assignment in Blackboard

When to Use?

This article will walk you through how to score an offline assignment using a rubric in Blackboard Ultra.


1. Navigate to your course and select the Gradebook tab.

Access the Gradebook from the top navigation menu

2. In the Gradebook’s list view, click the name of the assignment that contains the rubric for offline scoring.

Access the assignment from the Gradebook

3. Click the name of a student.

4. In the “Create Attempt” panel specify a “Submission” date and time, then click “Save”.

Create an offline attempt for the student

Save the changes

NOTE: The Submission date will automatically populate with the current date/time. Ignore any “late” submission notifications.

5. Click “Rubric” to open it for scoring.

Click "Rubric" to open it for scoring

6. Expand the levels of achievement for each row of criteria and click the appropriate level for scoring. Add feedback for each criterion if needed. Changes will be saved automatically.

Score and Assess the Student using the Rubric

7. Close the Rubric panel by clicking the “back” icon.

Close the Rubric panel by clicking the "back" icon

8. Click the “Save” button.

Save the Changes

9. Use the navigation arrow to advance to the next student for scoring.

use navigation arrows to move between students


See also: Score a Rubric in an Offline Assignment (Video)

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Fri 3/24/23 2:04 PM
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