My College Roomie

What is My College Roomie?

Finding a compatible roommate can be stressful. There are so many options, so who should you choose? Picking a roommate is a big commitment - that's why My College Roomie is here to help!

My College Roomie (MCR) is an online roommate matching system. This web-based system allows students to network and engage with each other, as well as match with and select roommates. The algorithm helps make roommate matches based on the information you provide such as interests, lifestyle, personality, and living preferences.

How It Works

1. You must be accepted to GVSU AND have an active housing application.
2. You will receive an email to your GVSU student email from My College Roomie when it's time to create a profile and complete the roommate matching questionnaire.  For returning students: The system resets annually and does not save the previous year's questionnaires or profiles. Returners will also receive an invitation to build a profile and submit a new questionnaire. 
3. Log in to My College Roomie with your GVSU credentials. 
4. After completing your profile, complete the questionnaire. 
5. You'll now be able to view other student profiles, review your compatibility and send messages to connect with other students. 
6. Once you have decided on a roommate or roommates, you should request each other. Matches must be made in My College Roomie in order to populate myHousing.

For Fall:

Returning and Transfer student match window opens in early November.  

The incoming first-year student match window opens in February. 

The incoming first-year student match window closes in mid-June, but MCR will remain open so that students can continue conversing with their peers.

Benefits of MCR
Trust The Process
Conversation Topics
Living Together



What if I don't find someone that I want to match with?

You can still make a room selection, but there is no way for the system to know if it will be a good match "on paper".

How do I complete my profile?

From the homepage, click on your Name, which appears above your Profile Photo. This will bring you to the Edit Profile screen, in which you can add information, interests, a video introduction, and more! Once finished editing, click the Save button at the bottom.

Watch this video for more information!

How do I complete the questionnaire?

From the homepage, click on your Name, which appears above your Profile Photo. This will bring you to the Edit Profile screen. Next to this tab will be the "Questionnaire" tab. Clicking this tab will bring you to the Questionnaire. Each Question has 2 sliders. Slider 1 (the top slider) is to identify approximately where you fall within the range. Slider 2 (the bottom slider), also known as the Comfort Zone, is for you to identify the range of answers that you are comfortable with in a roommate. Click save when finished.

What if I don't fill out the questionnaire? 

Filling out the Questionnaire is what generates compatibility scores between you and other users. If you choose not to answer the Questionnaire, you can still network with other users, chat, add friends, and find a roommate, but you'll essentially be assigned a random roommate at the end of the process.

I know who I want to live with, how do I search for them?

Use the search bar above the Match Section to search for people with a specific interest, or major or to find someone specific. If you are looking for a specific person and they are not showing up, it is most likely that they have not yet created their MCR profile yet. In order for the Search Bar to find them, they must be an active user with a profile, so if you can't find them, please wait until they log in and create their profile.

If you have used the search function to find a friend, but your friend is not appearing in the search results, be sure both you and your friend have completed the profile and questionnaire.  Specifically, the questionnaire needs to be completed by both students in its entirety, including both question and comfort zone responses.  Profiles should also be completed, including pictures.

How do I add or accept friends?

1. Homepage:  Within your lists of Matches, New, and Recently Viewed, you can add friends simply by clicking the "Add Friend" button next to each user.

2. Within a User's Profile:  Within a specific user's profile, you can add him/her as a friend simply by clicking the "Add Friend" button within their profile.

Note:  The user will need to accept your Friend Request in order for you to be able to unlock Friendship privileges with that user.

Watch this video for more information!

Do I need to be friends with someone first before adding them as a roommate?


How do I send or accept roommate requests?

You can send a Roommate Request in multiple ways:

1. Homepage:  Within your lists of Matches, Friends, New, and Recently Viewed, you can send a Roommate Request simply by clicking the "Roommate Request" button next to each user.

2. Within a User's Profile:  Within a specific user's profile, you can add him/her as a Roommate simply by clicking the "Roommate Request" button within their profile.

Note: You must first be Friends with someone before being able to send them a Roommate Request.

Is my roommate match confirmed?

If your desired roommate(s) name(s) appear in the Roommates tab within Friends & Messaging, then yes, your matches are confirmed.

How do I change roommates?

Home screen > Friends & Messaging > Roommate

1. Check the box next to your Roommate's name.

2. Click the "Remove Roommate" button.

Why can't I log in?

If you're trying to log in for the first time, but the system isn't recognizing your login credentials, you may not have an account yet. Students cannot create their own accounts. Student accounts are created by GVSU Housing once you have completed the criteria for entrance into MCR

Once you complete these criteria, an administrator will create your account in MCR. You will not be able to log into MCR until this happens. At this point, you'll get a welcome email with a temporary password, and some instructions to log in. You'll now be able to log in with your .edu email address and your temporary password. 

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