First-Year Student Checklist

What Do I Need to Do Before I Start My First Year at GVSU?

We understand that attending college at GVSU, and all of the things you have to do before you arrive on campus in the fall, can be overwhelming. Use the incoming first-year student checklist to help with your planning!

Fall and Winter (October - April)

September 12th: Housing application opens for 2024-2025 on-campus housing. Submit your application, contract, and $150 security deposit via your myHousing portal.

February: My College Roomie (aka "MCR") invitations will be sent to housing applicants. Students may submit their roommate questionnaire and begin building their profiles.  The matching window opens in mid-February for students to begin selecting roommates. The window opens several months after the housing application cycle opens to allow for more students to create their My College Roomie accounts and profiles. 

February-April: Connect with other incoming residential students via MCR. The tool is more than just a roommate finder, it's a networking tool. Find other Lakers, and start making friends! Use it to make friends with other new Lakers! Roommates must be matched in MCR in order for placement together to be possible during the Self-Selection window (opens in June)

April: Be sure to register for your New Student Orientation session.


May 1st: Housing application priority deadline and last day to get your $150 security deposit back if you cancel


June 17th: Self-Selection window opens for students to choose their actual room. The earlier a student applies for housing, the earlier they become eligible to select their room. There will also be a Room Change process that opens at the same time for anyone who has already selected a unit and they will be able to utilize this process if they decide that they would like to change their original selection. 

Note: June start for Self-Selection is a change from original published date of May 1st. Date change was made in response to FAFSA process changes.

The month of June: Assignments are being made via Self-Selection and will continue throughout June!

After Assignment Selection: Once you know where you are placed for fall, meal plan changes may be made. Plan flexibility is based on the housing style. If you will be living in a style that does not come with a meal plan automatically, like Niemeyer, Murray Living Centers or Winter Hall for example, we have choices to fit your lifestyle and budget. For more information on purchasing a voluntary meal plan, visit the Laker Food Co. webpage.  


July 15th: Self-Selection process closes in myHousing portal! Students who didn't select a room, or who apply after Self-Selection closes will be placed based on availability by Housing and Residence Life staff. 

Mid to late July: The room change waiting list will open for students requesting a change of placement. Details on how to request a room change will be sent soon after Self-Selection closes. 

The month of July and throughout August: Begin shopping and packing for move-in! Review our packing list

July: Start connecting with your Fall roommate. Begin exploring renter's insurance. Students are strongly encouraged to have a policy prior to moving on campus. 


August: Move-in!

Requests for Alternate Arrival Date: Students are assigned specific dates/times to arrive on campus, but we will accommodate late arrivals to fit student schedules. Students may request alternate arrivals via our website. The request form opens in early August.

The first day of Move-In Week: Meal plans become active. 

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