Running STAR-CCM+ in Batch Mode

Tags HPC

When to Use?

Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is a multiphysics CFD software that enables CFD engineers to model the complexity and explore the possibilities of products operating under real-world conditions. These are instructions on how to run STAR-CCM+ on clipper.


1. To run STAR-CCM+ in batch mode, first, you need to build your simulation <your_simulation.sim> and put it in your project directory

cd mnt/projects/<your_project>
mkdir sim_dir                                #can modify name
ls mnt/projects/<your_project>/sim_dir
your_simulation.sim                          #you will have to upload this file to the created directory

2. Then you need to create a Slurm script <> as shown below to submit the job:

#!/bin/bash -l 
#SBATCH --time=2:00:00                   # walltime limit of 2 hours 
#SBATCH --nodes=2                        # number of nodes 
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=50              # number of tasks per node 
#SBATCH --ntasks=2                       # total number of tasks 
#SBATCH --job-name=your_simulation       # name of job 
#SBATCH --partition=cpu                  #partition

module load starccm                      # load starccm module 

rm -rf mnt/projects/<your_project>/sim_dir/simulation.log # remove the log file from last run 
# Run Job 

echo "------ Running Starccm+ ------" 

starccm+ -np $SLURM_NTASKS -batch /projects/<your_project>/sim_dir/your_simulation.sim >> simulation.log 

echo "------ End of the job ------"

3. By default, STAR-CCM+ uses OpenMPI. However, STAR-CCM+ comes with its own Intel MPI. To use the Intel MPI, the Slurm script should be modified to be:

#!/bin/bash -l 
#SBATCH --time=2:00:00                             # walltime limit of 2 hours 
#SBATCH --nodes=2                                  # number of nodes 
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=50                       # number of tasks per node  
#SBATCH --ntasks=72                                # total number of tasks 
#SBATCH --job-name=your_simulation                 # name of job 
#SBATCH --partition=cpu                            # name of partition 

module load starccm                                # load starccm module  

rm -rf /projects/<your_project>/sim_dir/simulation.log # remove the log file from last run 

# Run Job 

echo "------ Running Starccm+ ------" 

starccm+ -mpi intel -np $SLURM_NTASKS -batch /projects/<your_project>/sim_dir/your_simulation.sim >> simulation.log 

echo "------ End of the job ------"

4. To run the job, submit the batch script with the following command:

sbatch <>

5.  After the job has been submitted, you should get an output similar to the one below but with a different job id.

Submitted batch job 25088
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