This policy is established to ensure fair and efficient utilization of computing resources among all users, including faculty, staff, and students. By limiting the percentage of nodes that can be used by different user groups, we aim to prevent any single user from monopolizing the resources and to ensure equitable access for all.
Faculty Staff, & Students Usage
Faculty, Staff, and Students are limited to using a maximum of 75% of a partition when submitting jobs.
For example, if you were to submit to bigmem you would only be able to use 3 nodes at one time. If you were to submit to the cpu partition you would only be able to use 6 nodes at one time.
This limit is intended to ensure that sufficient resources remain available for other users, including students and collaborative projects.
Implementation and Monitoring
The system administrators will implement these limits through job scheduling and resource management tools.
Usage will be monitored continuously, and users exceeding their allocated limits will have their jobs adjusted or terminated to comply with this policy.
Exceptions to these limits may be granted in special cases where additional resources are required for critical research or projects.
Requests for exceptions must be submitted by using ARC Help ticket and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
All users are expected to adhere to this policy.
Non-compliance may result in the suspension of access to computing resources or other disciplinary actions as deemed appropriate by the administration.
By adhering to this resource allocation policy, we can ensure that our computing resources are used efficiently and equitably, supporting the diverse needs of our academic and research community.
Contact Information
For questions or further information regarding this policy, please contact the system administrators by submitting a ARC Help Ticket.