When to Use?
LanSchool is a classroom management software that helps teachers manage student devices in networked computer labs. It is currently available in the following labs:
KEN 244, 258, 330, 358
IDC 133, 135
You can set up LanSchool in several ways. The two main ways to use it:
- Simply monitor the computers
- Block some content to prevent them from using websites, etc. while monitoring
Set up for Monitoring
- Click the carrot in the lower right corner and click the LanSchool icon (green circles)
- This will open the LanSchool window. Any student computers that are signed in will show up in the window, more will pop up as the student computers are signed into.
- If all you want to do is monitor, you are done. If you want to limit the sites and applications the students use (RECOMMENDED), start by clicking the small arrow next to the “Limit Web”. Then choose “Configure Web Limiting.
Set up for Web Limiting
- You will then get a pop-up window where you can enter which sites to allow/block. It is easiest to only allow certain sites and block the rest. The following will only allow blackboard, zybooks, and jetbrains (CLion).
- After you type those, then click apply.
- Then move to the “Application Limiting” tab and type the following. LanSchool ONLY works to block things when using Microsoft Edge – The students will not be able to use Chrome, Firefox, etc. MAKE SURE THE STUDENTS USE EDGE AS THEIR WEB BROWSER!
- Click apply.
- NOTE: THIS WILL NOT BLOCK ANYTHING ON THE STUDENTS COMPUTERS YET. This is what the screen will look like after you click apply.
- To actually restrict the student’s computers you MUST click the Limit Web and Limit Applications – make sure they turn light blue and look depressed. You should also see the icons on the screens.
- To log into the various sites the students will need to type the actual URLs. This is sometimes confusing to them because they usually search for it (which will not work).
Blackboard Login: lms.gvsu.edu
Zybooks Login: learn.zybooks.com
Jetbrains Login: Login through CLion should still work
- On occasion, limiting web and applications will change the language of the computer. If this happens, just change it back to English.