The SAS statistical software suite is available for command-line use on the Clipper HPC cluster.
Loading SAS
SAS is available through the modules system:
[hpcuser1@port ~]$ module load sas
While the above command depicts loading SAS from the head node, please do not run your SAS jobs there. The head node is not optimized for running intensive workloads like SAS jobs and doing so may negatively impact cluster performance.
Example SAS Script and Slurm Batch Job
SAS Script
The following SAS code will print basic statistics from a small data set containing average points per game per season for the GVSU football team. Save the below as
to your home directory on Clipper.
DATA stats;
INPUT season $ gvsu opponents;
2023 43.77 16.54
2022 37.92 11.15
2021 38.00 18.58
2019 30.09 17.00
2018 32.75 19.08
Slurm Batch Submission Script
Save the below as sas.sbatch
to your home directory on Clipper, substituting your user name, email and resource requirements where applicable. For SAS, we recommended submitting to the cpu
partition while allocating a single task/processor, unless you are certain your SAS code can take advantage of multiple threads. Not all SAS procedures are capable of multi-threading.
#SBATCH --job-name=SAS_job
#SBATCH --partition=cpu
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=1GB
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
module load sas
sas ~/ -nodate -linesize 90
Submit the job to the cluster:
[hpcuser1@port ~]$ sbatch sas.sbatch
The SAS log and output are created in the working directory (/home/hpcuser1
[hpcuser1@port ~]$ cat football.lst
The SAS System 1
Obs season gvsu opponents
1 2023 43.77 16.54
2 2022 37.92 11.15
3 2021 38.00 18.58
4 2019 30.09 17.00
5 2018 32.75 19.08
The SAS System 2
The MEANS Procedure
Variable N Mean Std Dev Minimum Maximum
gvsu 5 36.5060000 5.2978703 30.0900000 43.7700000
opponents 5 16.4700000 3.1564379 11.1500000 19.0800000
SAS Work Directory
SAS by default uses the directory from which the SAS session is launched as the working directory. If you are working with large data sets and outputs, you should launch your SAS session within your batch job from your project storage allocation and not your home folder.
For example:
#SBATCH --job-name=SAS_job
#SBATCH --partition=cpu
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=1GB
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
module load sas
cd /mnt/projects/hpcuser1_project
sas ~/ -nodate -linesize 90