When to Use?
File management is important to many institutions that want to be cognizant of their digital footprint. To help instructors understand the usage of files in their course, Blackboard has implemented the Unused Files Management Tool during release 3900.80.0. This tool helps instructors find and delete course files that are not in use. This article will walk instructors through how to locate and use the Unused Files Management Tool within their Blackboard course.
Reminder: All Blackboard courses and organizations are limited to 1GB of storage for uploaded course content. This limit only includes content that instructors upload; what students upload to the course applies elsewhere.
1. To access the Unused Files tool, click on the ellipses (three-dot menu) in the top right. From the list select Unused Files to be redirected to the Unused Files panel.

2. By default, the panel will open to the Unused Files view. If you click the dropdown under List View, you will have the option to view All Files. Each view will provide the file name, upload date, and file size along with an option to download a copy of the local file.
3. If a file is being used within the course, the checkbox next to the file name will be grayed out. If the checkbox next to the file name is checkable, that file is not being used within the course and can be deleted.

4. To delete an unused file, click the checkbox next to each individual file name and click on the Delete Files button to remove the files from your course storage. You can do this process as many times as needed to remove the necessary unused files

Still need to adjust your courses storage? Check out other course quota options ---