When to Use?
Use the Banner Class Photo List to locate student identification photos for students registered for courses in Banner. Note: Faculty will only see photos in courses in which they are the instructor of record in Banner.
- Login to Banner Intranet: GVSU Faculty/Staff Additional Banner Applications.
Note: Duo MFA is required for logging into Banner. If you are off campus, you will also need to connect to VPN.
- Click on Class List.
- Enter the Term, Course Number, and Section Number. Then click Display.
- The student photos will be listed on the left. Student photos will only display to the instructor of record. A blank avatar will display if the student does not have a photo on record or if they are under 18 years of age.
- To view a grid view that provides a compact display of the students' photos, first name, and last name only able view of the roster, click the Print button in upper right of the screen