HRL Community Living Standards


The Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Office of Housing and Residence Life (HRL) upholds all state, local, and federal laws as well as the GVSU Student Code and all documented University Policies. Housing policies are designed to support the mission and goals of HRL. Violation of the housing-specific policies and procedures outlined below may result in referral through the HRL Conduct Process and/or referred to the Office of Student Conduct.


What Are GVSU’s HRL Community Living Standards?

Our living standards are listed below in the drop-down menus.

Please note that the Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Office of Housing and Residence Life (HRL) upholds all state, local, and federal laws as well as the GVSU Student Code and all documented University Policies. Housing policies are designed to support the mission and goals of HRL. Violation of the housing-specific policies and procedures outlined below may result in referral through the HRL Conduct Process and/or referred to the Office of Student Conduct.

If you have any questions or need clarification on the HRL Community Living Standards, please contact

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To view, download, or print a PDF version of the HRL Community Living Standards, please refer to the Attachments section to the right of this article. (If the Attachments section does not appear to the right of the article, or you are on mobile, please navigate to the end of the article.)

Section 1.0: Introduction

1.1 Introduction to Housing and Residence Life

Housing and Residence Life (HRL) is an integral part of the GVSU community, committed to supporting the development of students in their efforts to achieve personal and academic success. The residential student experience provides the opportunity for students to practice problem solving, conflict resolution, personal responsibility, and accountability. The HRL Community Living Standards protect the interests of the residential community and challenge and support community members when their behavior fails to meet these standards. We acknowledge that when students are navigating freedom and responsibility within a new community atmosphere, difficulties arise. To address potential harm done within the community, the HRL Conduct Process is designed to center education through restorative practices. Restorative practices encourage the growth and development of the individual student around relationship building, identifying harm done, recognizing personal responsibility and designing restorative measures to repair harm.

The HRL Community Living Standards are subject to modification.

As representatives of the values and mission of GVSU, residents should strive to exemplify integrity, community care, and accountability. A residential community requires collaboration between residents, GVSU non-residents, staff, and visitors to foster safe and meaningful on-campus communities. Residents are expected to be familiar with the Community Living Standards and unfamiliarity does not absolve a resident from accountability for potential violations. Residents are expected to report violations of the HRL Community Living Standards, whenever and wherever they may occur.

HRL upholds all state, local, and federal laws as well as the Student Code: The Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities and all documented University Policies. The HRL Community Living Standards and associated HRL Conduct Process is designed to support the mission and goals of HRL and the values of the Division of Student Affairs. Failure to abide by the standards outlined below may result in referral through the HRL Conduct Process and/or the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution in addition to any civil or criminal proceeding related to the reported incident.

Non-resident GVSU students who are involved in the possible violation of the HRL Community Living Standards may be subject to referral to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution. Non- GVSU students who are involved in the possible violation of the HRL Community Living Standards may be subject to their institution’s conduct process.

Section 2.0: Jurisdiction

The Community Living Standards apply to all individual students/residents both undergraduate and graduates within University Housing. The policies outlined in this document also apply to all guests/visitors.

2.1 Conduct Addressed in the Community Living Standards

The Community Living Standards also apply to students/residents' off-campus conduct and incorporate other specific University policies by reference.

These policies include but are not limited to:

2.2 Definitions

Appeal Officer: A member of the Housing and Residence Life Leadership Team who is eligible to hear housing student conduct appeals.

Business Day: A business day is defined as 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday when the University is open for business.

Evidence: Evidence is anything outside of first-person, personal testimony that will be used, referenced, or shared with the staff member facilitating resolution conferences or appeal hearings, either during the conduct process (examples may include photographs, emails, screenshots, documents, reports, or audio/visual recordings.)

Guest/Visitor: Any individual not contractually assigned to a particular on-campus living space.

Graduate Assistant (GA): A graduate student who has an assistantship in Housing and Residence Life and lives on campus.  

Housing and Residence Life (HRL): Provides an option to live independently in a supported environment that promotes community involvement and focuses on the growth and development of residents.

Incident Report: Any documentation that describes an alleged violation of the Community Living Standards. Student conduct reports may include University incident reports, investigative reports, police reports, or verbal, written, or electronic communication.

Living Center Director (LCD): A full-time staff member who is responsible for at least 1 Living Center and/or residential community, and supervising Resident Assistant Staff.

On-Campus Housing: Any building on GVSU’s Allendale or Downtown campus owned and operated by Housing and Residence Life.

Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR): Addresses student code issues while developing a greater sense of self-awareness and supporting paths to becoming engaged and productive citizens.

Prohibited Items: Items that may not be stored, used, or found in any residential community on campus, which includes student/resident rooms, and/or common spaces.

Regulated Items: Items that are acceptable for use and or storage as specified in section 3.4 Regulated Items in student/resident rooms depending on location.

Resident: Is any GVSU student who has signed a housing contract and lives on campus in a residential community or Living Center.

Resident Assistant (RA): A student staff member that lives within a residential community to provide support and resources to students/residents.

Residence Life Coordinator: A full-time staff member who supports Student Conduct and Student Care initiatives.

Resolution Conference: A meeting between a resident and HRL staff member to discuss alleged policy violations used to identify responsibility and come to a resolution.

Restorative Measures: Any restorative, educational, or disciplinary measure issued as a result of a student’s policy violation. Restorative measures are directly connected to the violation, tailored to the needs of those impacted, and intended to repair any harm done.

Standard of Proof: The standard of proof, which rests with the University, is the preponderance of the evidence, whether it is more likely than not, that a violation occurred.

Student: For the purposes of these policies, the University considers an individual to be a student when an offer of admission has been extended to any program, whether degree or non-degree seeking, for credit or non-credit. The University retains jurisdiction over students who take a leave of absence, withdraw, or graduate for any action that occurred prior to the leave, withdrawal, or graduation. In the event of serious misconduct committed while still enrolled but reported after the accused student has graduated, the University may invoke these procedures and, should the former student be found responsible for a violation of these rules, the University may revoke that student’s degree.

Support Person: Students/Residents may be accompanied by a support person of their choice. A support person’s role is limited to providing advice to the student. The support person is not permitted to ask questions or make oral arguments on behalf of the student/resident. The support person may not be another individual that is named in the student conduct report as an involved party. If the support person is an attorney, the student/resident must notify Housing and Residence Life of this in writing to at least one (1) business day before the resolution conference.

Section 3.0: Resident Rights and Responsibilities

3.1 Resident Rights

Under the HRL Community Living Standards, GVSU students residing in on-campus housing have the following rights:

Right to a safe living environment.

Right to a clean room upon move in.

Right to all existing furniture and appliances in clean and working condition.

Right to clean shared living spaces such as community kitchens, games rooms, laundry rooms, hallways, etc.

Right to safely function fire safety tools such as fire extinguishers and fire alarms.

Right to seek support via Housing and Residence Life staff to access any other resources relevant to the residential student’s needs and interests.

Right to report any violation of the Community Living Standards or other University policies. Right to report student well-being or resource concerns to enlist university support for a student.

Right to report Campus Climate Concerns, any instance where someone is harassed or discriminated against due to one of the protected categories in GVSU’s non-discrimination policy. Right to report to the University incidents of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and/or sexual misconduct (including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, intimate partner violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation).

Right to request a meeting via phone call, zoom, or in person with an RA, LCD to address any of the above rights.

3.2 Resident Responsibilities

Under the HRL Community Living Standards, GVSU students residing on-campus have the following responsibilities:

  • Read and respond to Housing and Residence Life email and phone communications as requested.
  • Notify Housing and Residence Life staff of concerns regarding roommate conflicts, housing accessibility concerns, etc.
  • Collaborate on the completion of a roommate agreement by the stated deadline.
  • Adhere to the agreed-upon regulations represented in the roommate agreement and remain open to adaptations of regulations according to changing needs of each roommate throughout the duration of the roommate relationship.
  • Cleaning of shared spaces within the residential unit, and the proper removal and disposal of trash.
  • Prevent mold and mildew by keeping the bathroom clean, dry, and ventilated by assuring the use of an exhaust fan, opening the bathroom door post-shower, etc.
  • General upkeep of residential unit- cleaning surfaces, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, keeping drains clear of debris.
  • Report facilities or maintenance issues/emergencies at the point of notice by filing a facilities work order.
    • i.e. issues that jeopardize a person’s safety involving power loss, broken door lock, stuck or malfunctioning elevator, plumbing malfunctions, heat loss.

3.3 Prohibited Items

The following items are prohibited in on-campus housing. If any of these articles are found to be in a residential space, the resident(s) will be requested to remove them from the building immediately. Residents will be held responsible for damages incurred as a result of possession or use of prohibited items. HRL reserves the right to prohibit or request the removal of additional items on a case-by-case basis. Prohibited items include:

  • 3D printers
  • Air conditioners not owned and installed by the University
  • Bicycles are prohibited from entering all housing buildings. Bicycles are not to be walked through the hallways, stored in public areas, or brought into rooms/apartments/units. Bicycles must be properly stored in designated bike racks. Bicycles should be secured with a bike lock and registered with GVPD.  Any bicycles left behind by residents will be confiscated and stored by the Grand Valley Police Department
  • Candles and incense
  • Charcoal grills
  • Curtains and additional window decor not provided by the University
  • Deep fryers
  • De-humidifiers (unless approved as an accommodation by DSR or HRL)
  • Dishwashers
  • Drug-related paraphernalia (e.g., bong, pipe, vaporizers, etc.)
  • Electric blankets or fireplaces
  • Electronics without a “UL Certified” label or electronics with a “UL Certified” label that have been modified to function in a different way or in a way not intended by the manufacturer.
  • Extension cords, outlet adapters, or multiple plugs — except for power strips with built-in circuit breakers (limit of one power strip per resident)
  • Firearms and weapons including, but not limited to any firearm; any device from which an electrical current, impulse, wave, or beam may be directed that is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure or kill; any other instrument or device of any kind that operates based on spring, gas or air, contains explosive materials, or; any instrument or device that has a sharp blade greater than three inches (outside of specifications related to restricted items); chemical, biological, radioactive, or other dangerous substances, except for a self-defense spray or foam for protection of a person or property under the circumstances that would justify the person’s use of physical force. 
  • Firepits
  • Fireworks, explosives, and toxic or dangerous chemicals
  • Gasoline and highly flammable substances
  • Halogen bulbs or lamps (all types, including clip-on, torchiere, and desk styles)
  • Heating pads without an automatic shutoff
  • Hoverboards
  • Lightweight mobility devices such as E-Bikes, scooters, and boards with a drive system containing a battery pack for charging.
  • Locks, latches, or similar devices (for interior or exterior doors) beyond what is provided by the University
  • Major appliances (freezers, dishwashers, washers, dryers, etc.)
  • Mattresses not provided by the University or approved as an accommodation by DSR
  • Mercury thermometers
  • Multi-light lamps with plastic shades
  • Natural, cut trees, branches, and/or greens (such as holiday trees, wreaths, and garlands)
  • Oil and wax warmers that utilize a flame, or oil and wax warmers without an automatic shutoff
  • Pesticides (such as commercially available bug bombs, bug spray, or poison bait)
  • Pianos and organs
  • Space heaters
  • Strobe lights, lava lamps, black lights, and fog machines
  • Tanning beds
  • Trampolines
  • Vent covers
  • Waterbeds/water chairs
  • Weapons including Airsoft and paintball guns, and any used for decorative or collecting purposes
  • Wireless routers

3.4 Regulated Items

All items on the Regulated Items list must, where applicable, be UL certified. Residents will be held responsible for damages incurred as a result of unsafe or inappropriate use of permitted and regulated items.

  • Air fryers, pressure cookers, waffle irons, and toaster ovens are allowed only in apartment areas equipped with full-size kitchens (Calder, Murray, Vansteeland, GVA, South Apartments, Laker Village, Niemeyer, Winter, and Secchia)
  • Toasters, slow cookers, and rice cookers are permitted in apartment-style and apartment areas only and are prohibited in the cluster, traditional, and suite-style units.
  • Decorative string lights are allowed with the following limitations: decorations and string lights must be affixed with approved adhesive and may not obstruct hallways, fire exits, exit signs, or access to fire safety equipment. Residents must ensure that light bulbs and light strings do not come into contact with any combustible material. All lights must be labeled UL Certified.  No more than two strands may be plugged into an outlet or surge protector.  Strand lights may not exceed more than 25 feet in length.  Cords may not be run under doorways, carpets, rugs, or out of windows. Decorative lights must be turned off when the area is unattended. The use of string lights outside of the unit is prohibited in all buildings other than Laker Village.
  • Drones may be stored but not utilized in on-campus housing buildings or on University property. Refer to the GVSU Unmanned Aircraft System/Drone Policy for more information.
  • Electric griddles, fry pans, and sandwich makers with exposed heating elements ovens are allowed only in apartment areas equipped with full-size kitchens (Calder, Murray, Vansteeland, GVA, South Apartments, Laker Village, Niemeyer, Winter, and Secchia)
  • Gas grills are provided in various housing communities. Residents of Laker Village may store and utilize gas grills outside. Gas grills may only be used in open areas with no overhead obstructions (i.e. awnings or balconies). Gas grills must be attended to at all times while in use. Gas grills and propane tanks must be stored outside at all times. No charcoal grills are permitted.
  • Hookahs may be stored but not used within on-campus housing buildings.
  • Microwaves may not exceed 1,000 watts.
  • One refrigerator of 4.6 cubic feet or less is allowed per unit in the cluster, traditional, and suite-style.
  • Additional refrigerators are prohibited in units where the University provides a refrigerator (unless approved as an accommodation by DSR or HRL).
  • Rollerblades, non-electric scooters, skateboards, and similar wheeled devices may be stored in but not used within on-campus housing units.
  • Vape pens and e-cigarettes may be stored but not used inside or within 25 feet of on-campus housing buildings.
  • Kitchen knives with blades more than three inches in length are permitted in apartment-style and apartment areas with kitchens and are prohibited in the cluster, traditional, and suite-style units.

3.5 GVSU Housing Support and Accommodations

3.5.1 Assistance Animals

GVSU is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities and fulfilling obligations under State and Federal laws. GVSU shall not allow an animal that poses a threat to the health or safety of others that cannot be reduced or eliminated by another reasonable accommodation; would cause substantial physical damage to the property of others that cannot be reduced or eliminated by another reasonable accommodation; poses an undue financial and administrative burden, or would fundamentally alter the nature of housing operations. Assistance animals must be approved by Disability Support Resources (DSR) and the owner must possess a memorandum “memo” for approval verification. All animals approved via DSR will be required to have a badge to be worn on the collar or must be available upon demand.  Please view the full DSR Guidelines for Assistance Animals.

3.5.2 Service Animals

Service Animals are permitted within all University facilities subject to the additional requirements of this policy. Individuals who wish to bring a service animal into a University housing facility may do so without prior approval.  However, students are strongly encouraged to register with Disability Support Resources (DSR) to ensure that their experience bringing the animal to campus is a positive one. Advance notice of a service animal in housing facilities will enable the University to appropriately plan for the animals’ presence and will allow more flexibility in meeting the student’s needs. Service animals are permitted to accompany the resident to all areas of housing where residents are normally permitted to go. Please note that service animals are required to be at least 12 months of age unless an exception to this requirement has been approved by DSR. Please review the full GVSU animal policy and Guidelines for Assistance Animals.

3.6 GVSU Housing and Residence Life Alcohol Policy

All students/residents are required to comply with Michigan state law and University policies regarding alcohol. HRL complies with the GVSU Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Policy (SLT 5.1). Residents of the legal drinking age who use alcohol legally are expected to do so in a responsible manner. Distributing alcohol to minors is illegal and in violation of University policy. Irresponsible and inappropriate behavior, where alcohol is a contributing factor, will not be tolerated.

  • North Campus: Traditional, Suite, Cluster, and Apartment-style Living Centers are alcohol-free environments. Possession, consumption, being under the influence, or providing alcohol to others is prohibited. Alcohol in any form is not permitted in these buildings, regardless of the age of the student/resident or guest. Students/residents and guests may not store or possess alcohol or empty alcohol containers.
  • South Campus and Downtown Campus: Students/residents and guests who are 21 years of age or older may consume and store alcohol in the privacy of their room/apartment in Calder Apartments, Grand Valley Apartments, Laker Village Apartments, Murray Living Center, Niemeyer Living Center, Secchia Hall, South Apartments C, D, E, VanSteeland Living Center, and Winter Hall with other students/residents who are 21 years of age or older. No more than one open container (cup, bottle, or can) may be present for any individual of the legal drinking age when in the company of minors. Alcohol may not be stored in common areas (kitchen, living room) unless all assigned occupants are of legal drinking age. Students/residents under 21 may not store or possess alcohol or empty containers.

3.7 GVSU Guest Policy

A guest is defined as any individual not contractually assigned to a particular on-campus living unit.

  • GVSU residential guests must be approved by roommate(s) prior to being invited into the building or unit.
  • Guests may not be left unaccompanied by the resident host at any time or in any space.
  • Guests may not stay overnight for more than two consecutive nights.
  • Guests who obstruct or disrupt the orderly function of on-campus housing may also be asked to leave by HRL staff members or GVPD.
  • Resident hosts are responsible for all violations or damage caused by their guests.
  • All guests of residents must adhere to the most current Face Covering Policy guidance located on the Lakers Together site.

**This policy is subject to modifications at any time based on additional guidance from the Governor, CDC recommendations, or the institution for the safety of the community

3.8 Courtesy Hours

Housing and Residence Life is committed to maintaining residential communities that support an academic environment.  The noise level of all units and common spaces should not negatively impact other community members including but not limited to impacting sleep, study, or general use of a housing unit.

Courtesy is expected from all students/residents and guests 24/7 within residential buildings. Students/residents have the right to ask other students/residents to lower the volume or reduce the amount of noise; in return, the expectation of the student/resident is a prompt and positive response to the request. Housing and Residence Life may also request students/residents to lower their noise level or cease an activity in order to limit the noise that could be negatively impacting the community; in return, the expectation of the student/resident is a prompt and positive response to the request.

3.9 Quiet Hours

To create and maintain academic environments within residential communities, students/residents are required to restrict the noise level during the following hours:

10:00 p.m. – 10:00 a.m. Sunday-Thursday Nights

12:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Friday-Saturday Nights

During quiet hours, all housing spaces should be free from excessive and/or disturbing noise. Students/residents participating in noise producing activities, such as conversation, listening to music or watching television, are expected to keep their doors closed. Sounds from these and any activities should not be audible outside the room/unit. Any noise made in lounges or other common areas should not be audible inside residential spaces that have their doors closed. Quiet hours also apply to noise made outside the building or in nearby parking lots.

24-hour quiet hours are in effect during final exam periods.

3.10 Housing Damages Assessment

Individual Unit Damages: HRL staff will assess individual room/apartment damages related to Health & Safety Inspections and residential departure/check-out. Damages within shared living spaces within a unit are the combined responsibility of all students/residents assigned. It is the responsibility of the occupant(s) to pay for the replacement or repair of damaged property within a student’s/resident’s unit or in areas adjacent to it (i.e., windows, doors, and suite study areas).

Common Area, Building, and/or Community Damages: If responsible parties cannot be identified, fees may also be assessed within the community for actions including, but not limited to, leaving bags of trash in the hallway or propping open exterior building doors. Public area damage remaining after final check out will be divided and charged to each student’s/resident’s billing account. 

Please view the full listing of HRL Fines and Damage Charges.

Section 4.0: Residential Housing Conduct and Expectations

4.1 Abuse of Conduct Process

Interference in, or failure to comply with University processes, including the HRL Conduct Process. Such actions include, but are not limited to: 


Engaging in any prohibited conduct while on housing probation for disciplinary reasons.  


Failing to comply with the restorative measure(s) agreed to or assigned through the conduct process. 


Intimidation of any persons involved in a University conduct process prior to, during, and/or following a University conduct meeting.


Retaliating or taking adverse action against any student who files a student conduct report, requests a meeting with a University official, or participates in the conduct process.

4.2 Alcohol

Unauthorized or unlawful manufacture, use, possession, or distribution of alcohol. See SLT 5.1

4.3 Alcohol Paraphernalia

Possession of any alcohol paraphernalia of any kind, including but not limited to boxes, cans, bottles, and empty alcohol containers as decorations.

4.4 Animals on Property

Bringing an animal to University-owned or controlled property without proper authorization. See SLT6.1 .

4.5 Building and Unit Modifications

Unauthorized building or unit modifications or unauthorized use of decorations in rooms/apartments. Violations of this general policy include but are not limited to:

  • Removing, modifying, tampering, or permanently altering any room fixture or component including doors, walls, ceilings, floors, windows, electrical systems, pipe systems, and fire safety and prevention systems.
  • Drilling, sawing, or attaching items to walls, floors, or ceilings with screws, glue, or other devices.
  • Replacing or adding window furnishings in any way.
  • Tampering with locking mechanisms.
  • Attaching locks, bolts, chains, or other locking devices, besides those installed by HRL to the door or wall.
  • Attaching or hanging anything to any part or the top of the outside of the room/apartment door that damages any part of the door or door frame.
  • Repairing drywall or painting/staining walls or furniture.

4.6 Complicity

Remaining in situations or the vicinity of an ongoing policy violation. “Remaining in a space or situation in which a violation is taking place”.

4.7 Community Cleanliness

Disposing of trash anywhere but designated locations. 

4.8 Damage to Property

Damaging, defacing, destroying, tampering with, or taking without authorization property, including goods, services, or other valuables of the University, a student, employee, or visitor to the University. 

4.9 Disruptive Conduct or Behavior

Disrupting or impeding University operations or activities including teaching, research, administration, and other authorized University and non-University activities which occur at the University; obstructing access to University facilities, property, or programs; or causing, inciting, or participating in any disturbance that presents a clear and present danger to self or others, causes physical harm to others, or damages or destroys property.

4.10 Drugs

Unauthorized or unlawful manufacture, use, possession, or distribution of illegal or prescription drugs. See SLT 5.1 .

4.11 Drug Paraphernalia

Possession of drug paraphernalia of any kind, including but not limited to bongs, pipes, and other paraphernalia commonly associated with drug use.

4.12 Endangerment

Engaging in, aiding, abetting, inciting, organizing, approving, hosting, or otherwise participating in an activity or event that would constitute physical abuse or would endanger the safety, health, or well-being of another or multiple individuals, or groups or would cause reasonable apprehension of such harm.

Elevators: All repairs and entrapment related expenses incurred from horseplay, jumping or shaking of an elevator which causes it to malfunction, will be charged to the appropriate individual(s). 

4.13 Enrollment

Remaining in on-campus housing while not enrolled in classes.

4.14 Extended Break and Stay

Remaining on campus during extended University closure without notifying appropriate housing staff.

4.15 Failure to Comply

Refusing to identify oneself to or comply with a reasonable directive of a University representative during the performance of their duties when on University property or at a University-affiliated event.

4.16 Failure of Health and Safety Inspection

Possessing prohibited or regulated items at the time of scheduled Health and Safety Inspections.

4.17 Failure to Meet Financial Responsibilities

Failing to meet financial responsibilities to the University, including, but not limited to, knowingly passing worthless legal tender to the University or to an official of the University acting in an official capacity.

4.18 False Information

Failure to provide accurate and truthful information to University officials which includes HRL staff, GVPD, or other law enforcement entities, who are in the performance of their job duties.

4.19 Falsification

Furnishing, possessing, or attempting to furnish or possess false, falsified, forged, or misleading materials, documents, accounts, records, identification, or financial documents to University records or on official University records.

4.20 Furnishings

Unauthorized or improper use of furniture, equipment, and buildings owned or controlled by the University.

The following policies also apply to furniture and equipment in Housing and Residence Life:

  • Removal of public area furniture
  • Furniture blocking vents, thermostats, or means of egress
  • Removal of furnishings belonging to the University from an assigned unit
  • Use of non-university mattresses
  • Removal of window blinds or the addition of any window treatment or accessory  
  • Improper lofting or bunking of furniture or use of non-university provided bed pins

4.21 Gambling

Playing games of chance in ways prohibited by the laws of the State of Michigan (Gambling may include raffles, lotteries, sports pools, and online betting activities.)

4.22 Grounds and Facilities Work

Unauthorized or improper use of buildings, grounds and other spaces owned or controlled by the University. See SLT 10.4 .

4.23 Guest Policy

Failure to comply with the outlined guest policy.

4.24 Harassment

Unwelcome conduct is determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to GVSU’s education programs or activities. See SLT 9.1.

4.25 Harmful Behavior

Behaving in a manner verbally or in writing that threatens, intimidates or causes harm or endangers the health and safety of any person.

4.26 Information Technology

Violation of any published University policy, rule, or regulation related to information technology and use thereof.

4.27 Noise - Courtesy Hours

Failure to comply with the outlined courtesy hours policy.

4.28 Noise - Quiet Hours

Failure to comply with the outlined quiet hours policy.

4.29 Pets

The presence of animals that are not either fully approved assistance or service animals or a non-predatory fish in a 10-gallon tank or smaller.

4.30 Possession of Stolen Property

Maintaining possession of and/or using stolen property, or the property of another, without authorization.

4.31 Posting

Posting signage in any public place outside of an assigned unit belonging to resident.

4.32 Privacy Violation

In accordance with State of Michigan Law. Engaging in surveillance or recording of any type without the subject’s knowledge or consent in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy and/or the broadcasting or distribution of such material.

4.33 Prohibited Items

Possession of items outlined in Section 3.3 Prohibited items in any residential on-campus housing unit or building.

4.34 Public Exposure

Publicly exposing one’s intimate body parts, public urination or defecation, and public sex acts.

4.35 Recreation In Hallways and Public Areas

Engaging in sports or recreational activities in hallways, lounges, community kitchens, laundry rooms, game rooms, and/or community spaces. Any sport/recreational activity that include running, flying objects, equipment, etc. should take place outside away from residential buildings. Any damages that result from sports/recreational activities will result in charges to all student(s)/resident(s) responsible.

4.36 Regulated Items

Possession of items outlined in Section 3.4 Regulated items in any applicable residential on-campus housing unit or building.

4.37 Service/Assistance Animal Violation

Failure to comply with the service/assistance animal policy.

4.38 Sexual Misconduct

Engaging in any conduct that is considered sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence (dating/domestic violence), sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, or gender-based harassment, as those terms are defined by SLT 9.1.

4.39 Solicitation

Students/residents may not use University property, including housing units and public areas, for soliciting, or for commercial or business purposes. Individuals or organizations wishing to conduct surveys and/or research activities in on-campus housing facilities must have prior approval from the University's Institutional Review Board, as well as from HRL.

4.40 Smoking and Vaping

Smoking or vaping is prohibited inside or within 25 feet of on-campus housing.

4.41 Unauthorized Entry

Entry to University premises without authorization or misuse of access privileges, including trespassing, propping, or unauthorized use of alarmed doors for entry into or exit from a University building. On-campus housing units are to be occupied only by those assigned to the unit by HRL and are not to be occupied by or loaned to other residents or non-residents.

4.42 Unauthorized Key/Access Cards

Possessing, making, or causing to be made any key or access card without authorization or providing a University key or access card to an unauthorized person.

4.43 Unauthorized Room Changes

Unauthorized room changes, refusing to accept an assigned roommate or pressuring another resident to participate in the room change process.

4.44 Unauthorized Subletting

The contract and housing assignment is made to a single, assigned student/resident and may not be assigned or otherwise transferred to others, nor may the space be sublet or otherwise placed in the occupancy, control, or care of another person or entity.

4.45 Violation of Any University Policy

Violates or assists in the violation of any published University policy, procedure or guideline not listed in The Community Living Standards. 

4.46 Violations of Local, State, or Federal Law

Engaging in conduct that is chargeable under any provision of local, state, or federal law.

4.47 Weapons and Dangerous Materials

Possessing any firearm or weapon anywhere upon property governed by the University.  A weapon shall include but is not limited to: any firearm; any device from which an electrical current, impulse, wave, or beam may be directed that is designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure, or kill; any instrument or other device of any kind that operates based on spring, gas, or air; contains explosive materials; or any instrument or device, such as a knife, that has a sharp blade greater than three (3) inches. See SLT 6.27.

4.48 Wild Animals

Students may not feed, taunt, or attempt to capture wild animals in the areas surrounding living centers or elsewhere on campus.  

Section 5.0: Residential Student Conduct and Resolution Procedures

5.1 Housing and Residence Life - Student Conduct Process

The HRL Conduct Process is grounded in the foundation of Restorative Justice, a philosophy that acknowledges that when a person does harm, it affects the person(s) they hurt, the community, and themselves. These procedures apply to all actions and behaviors by individual students/residents which violate the values of the University and fall within the definitions of the Community Living Standards. The HRL Conduct Process uses a preponderance of evidence as to the standard of proof.  

5.2 Initiation of Process

When a student conduct report of a possible violation of the Community Living Standards, The Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities or State, Federal or local laws is made to HRL, the Residence Life Coordinator for Student Conduct and Care will review the student conduct report and make one of the following preliminary decisions.

  • There is insufficient information to pursue the report further or the reported activity is not a violation of the Community Living Standards and the incident report will be closed and/or referred for an alternative dispute resolution.
  • There is sufficient information to determine that the reported activity falls within the purview of the Community Living Standards and there may be a violation. If this determination is made, the Residence Life Coordinator for Student Conduct and Care will assign the report to a Living Center Director, GA or designee to facilitate a Resolution Conference with the alleged student.

5.3 Notice and Meeting with a Staff Member

The LCD or GA will send notice of the incident report to the student and request a meeting to resolve the matter. The notification will include the following;

  • The date of the incident.
  • A link to the Community Living Standards.
  • A list of the alleged violations that will be discussed during the Resolution Conference.
  • The date, time, and location of the Resolution Conference.
  • Information about Restorative Justice and what to expect in the Resolution Conference.

5.4 Resolution Conference

The LCD/GA or designee will meet with the student to discuss the incident report and the alleged violations. The Resolution Conference will include:

  • Review of the resident’s rights and responsibilities;
  • Review of the standard(s) directly related to the alleged violations;
  • An opportunity for the resident to respond to the report and ask questions;
  • Review of the HRL Conduct Process;
  • The resident and staff member reaching an agreement regarding responsibility and engaging in a conversation to identify restorative measures.

Following the Resolution Conference, the resident will be provided with the finding(s) and restorative measure(s), if any, in writing 24hours following the conference.

5.5 Outcomes of the Resolution Conference

The LCD/GA or designee will meet with the student to discuss the incident report and the alleged violations. The Resolution Conference will include:

  • Review of the resident’s rights and responsibilities;
  • Review of the standard(s) directly related to the alleged violations;
  • An opportunity for the resident to respond to the report and ask questions;
  • Review of the HRL Conduct Process;
  • The resident and staff member reaching an agreement regarding responsibility and engaging in a conversation to identify restorative measures.

Following the Resolution Conference, the resident will be provided with the finding(s) and restorative measure(s), if any, in writing 24hours following the conference.

5.6 Rights of Residents in the HRL Conduct Process

Resident's rights under the HRL Conduct Process include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • The right to be informed in writing of the alleged violation(s), with time, and with enough detail, to ensure the resident the opportunity to adequately prepare for the Resolution Conference;
  • The right to decline to appear at or participate in the Resolution Conference. Such action will not be interpreted as an indication of responsibility for the alleged violation; however, the HRL Conduct Process and the Resolution Conference will continue;
  • The right to present information on the resident's own behalf;
  • The right to request any supporting information related to the incident;
  • The right to be accompanied by a support person who will be permitted to attend but not participate in the Resolution Conference, but not allowed to participate. Residents must notify the HRL staff member within 24 hours of the meeting if a support person will be accompanying them and provide the required documentation as requested;
  • The right to challenge the objectivity of the HRL staff member;
  • The right to receive a timely written decision;
  • The right to an appeal within five (5) business days after the receipt of the decision letter.

5.7 Responsibilities of Residents in the HRL Conduct Process

It is the resident's responsibility to abide by the HRL Conduct Process. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Timely response to communications
  • The providing of thorough and truthful information
  • Complying with restorative measures as agreed upon

The following actions misuse the process and may result in additional violations of the HRL Community Living Standards:

  • Failure to provide information, destroying information, or concealing information during an investigation of an alleged Community Living Standard violation
  • Attempting to discourage an individual’s proper participation in, or use of, the HRL Conduct Process
  • Attempting to influence the impartiality of any HRL staff member prior to and/or during the course of the Resolution Conference
  • Obstructing or disrupting the orderly function of the meeting
  • Harassment and/or intimidation of any complainant, any member of HRL, or of any witness prior to, during, and/or after the meeting
  • Influencing or attempting to influence another person to present false information, file a false complaint, or otherwise abuse the HRL Conduct Process
Section 6.0: Appeal Process

6.1 Right to Request Appeal

If the accused resident or the complainant disputes the finding(s) or restorative measure(s) resulting from the HRL Conduct Process, the decision may be appealed. Appeals are heard by the Residence Life Coordinator or designee. They must be submitted in writing via email at within three business days after the receipt of the decision from the HRL staff member. If an extension is requested before the expiration of the allotted time, this deadline may be extended at the discretion of the Residence Life Coordinator. The appeal statement should specify the grounds for the appeal. The response to an appeal will be based only on an interview with the resident and/or complainant, a review of the records of the case, a review of the arbitration (if applicable), and/or a review of any new evidence that was not reasonably available at the time of the Resolution Conference. Residents must write and submit an appeal on their own behalf. Generally, restorative measures will not be enforced until a decision has been made regarding an appeal. However, situations involving behavior that is disruptive to the community or that poses a threat to the safety of the resident or others may dictate that a restorative measure, including contract termination, be enforced immediately, regardless of the appeal status.

6.2 Ground of Appeal

The party appealing the decision of LCD/GA must submit a written appeal, received in HRL at within three (3) business days of the date the party was sent the written decision. An appeal received after that time limit has expired will not be heard unless there is a compelling reason, as determined by the Director of Housing and Residence Life (or designee).  The appeal must include at least one of the following three (3) grounds for appeal, and the remedy requested from the appeal officer.

6.2.1 New Evidence

A claim that new evidence, unavailable during the original investigation or resolution conference, could substantially affect the original finding or restorative measure(s). A summary of the new evidence and its impact must be included in the appeal request.

6.2.2 Procedural Error

A claim that procedural error had a significant effect on the outcome of the Resolution Conference.

6.2.3 Conflict of Interest

The LCD/GA or decision-maker(s) had a conflict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or accused that affected the outcome of the Resolution Conference.

6.2.4 Restorative Measure Severity*

A claim that the assigned restorative measure(s) was not appropriate or excessive related to the responsible finding.

*Restorative Measure Severity may only be submitted as grounds for appeal in cases that result in removal, relocation, or dismissal from the housing.

6.3 Appeal Review Process

The Appeal Officer will review the appeal request to determine whether there are grounds for an appeal. If there are grounds for an appeal, the Appeal Officer will review the materials used in the HRL Conduct Process. If a finding of responsibility is upheld, the administrative contact history related to the matter, and the cumulative conduct history of the resident who committed a violation, will also be reviewed. The Appeal Officer does not meet with LCD/GA or resident during the appeal process.

6.4 Scope of Appeal

The consideration of an appeal is limited to determining whether the findings of the resolution, were so incorrect, or that a procedural error was so significant, that it affected the outcome of the decision and/or resolution or the imposition of restorative measures and requires that the decision should be changed. An appeal is a limited review of the findings and/or restorative measure of the Resolution Conference as requested by the person(s) making the appeal.  An appeal is not used for the purpose of:

  • Deciding whether or not it would have reached the same decision, or
  • Reexamining the charges against the student.

6.5 Appeal Decision Process

The Residence Life Coordinator or designee will make every effort to return a decision within 3 business days of receiving a written appeal. Response to the appeal is limited to the following:

  • Dismiss the appeal and uphold the original decision;
  • Grant the appeal and remand the case back to the LCD/GA for reconsideration citing the findings of the Appeal Officer;
  • Grant the appeal and require a new Resolution Conference with a different LCD/GA;
  • Grant the appeal and modify the restorative measures required;
  • Reversing the original decision concerning the violation and directing that the alleged Community Living Standard violation be dismissed;
  • Adding to, changing, or retracting the originally alleged violation(s) and decision, and modifying any restorative measure(s) accordingly;

The outcome of the appeal is final.

Section 7.0: General Provisions

7.1 Appeal Officers

Appeals will be heard and processed by an appeal officer. An appeal officer is a member of the HRL Leadership Team which includes Residence Life Coordinators, Associate Directors, and the Assistant Director.

7.2 Parallel Procedures

Alleged violations of federal and state laws may be investigated and addressed under the Community Living Standards. When an offense occurs over which the University has jurisdiction, the University/HRL Conduct Process will usually go forward notwithstanding any criminal complaint that may arise from the same incident.

7.3 Record Retention

When a student has been found responsible for a violation of the Community Living Standards, a disciplinary record, including the incident description, meeting notes, and rationale, if applicable (separate from the student’s academic record and not included on the student’s transcript), will be maintained by OSCCR for seven years from the final resolution, and released only under appropriate University procedures and pursuant to Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements.  

7.4 Review and Revision

The Community Living Standards will be reviewed annually, and updated as needed, by the Residence Life Coordinator for Conduct and Care.

Section 8.0: Interim Measures

8.1 Criteria for Interim Measures

If the Director of Housing and Residence Life (or designee), determines that a student poses a continuing and significant threat to persons or property and/or is an immediate or ongoing threat of disrupting the academic and/or administrative operations of the University, the Director of Housing and Residence Life (or designee) may take such immediate interim measures appropriate to the circumstances.

8.2 Measures

Interim measures may include, but are not limited to:

8.2.1 Relocation

Relocating the student to another on-campus owned or operated housing facility or removing the student from any on-campus owned or operated housing facility.

8.2.2 Restricted Access

Restricting the student’s access to specific locations on University property, such as a dining hall, recreation facility, or library.

8.2.3 Removal from Housing

Removal from University housing.

8.3 Interim Process

Upon the decision of the Director of Housing and Residence Life (or designee), that a student meets the criteria herein, HRL will follow the following expedited procedure:

8.3.1 Notice

The student will be sent notice of the interim action immediately upon the Director of Housing and Residence Life (or designee) decision. This notice will be sent through University email and will be deemed received effective upon sending. This notice will also include the date, time, and location of the meeting with a Housing and Residence Life staff member and an explanation of the basis for the decision. This meeting must be scheduled within five (5) business days of the interim action.

8.3.2 Meeting with Housing and Residence Life Staff Member

During this meeting, the student will be presented with the information on which the decision was based and will be allowed to present their understanding of the circumstances. The student may be accompanied by one (1) support person.

8.3.3 Resolution

The Housing Staff Member will determine whether or not there is a basis for cancellation or continuation of the interim action. If the Housing Staff Member concludes it is appropriate to continue the interim action beyond the initial schedule, the student/resident may accept the decision or choose to as defined in Section 6.0 Conduct Process and Resolution Procedures.

Section 9.0: Removal from Housing Policy

GVSU Housing and Residence Life holds the right to suspend or terminate a student’s/resident’s housing contract for various reasons including but not limited to:

  • Violating University policies
    • Housing and Residence Life Community Living Standards

If a student/resident is removed from on-campus housing, the individual will receive an email notification informing them that they are required to move out of their on-campus housing unit within 48 hours after receiving their notice. If the student/resident is involved in any other University policy violation(s) or disruptive behavior in any way prior to leaving one’s housing unit, the student/resident will be required to leave immediately.

Students/residents who are removed from on-campus housing are responsible to pay all outstanding housing unit costs for the semester. In addition, once removed from on-campus housing, students/residents may not live in or visit any GVSU on-campus housing building.

All students/residents are responsible for upholding University policies to maintain a safe, healthy, and secure residential community. Students/residents who partake in behavior/actions that may negatively impact or harm the community may be removed from University housing even if this is a student’s/resident’s first offense/violation.

GVSU Housing and Residence Life holds the right to remove students/residents from on-campus housing on a temporary or permanent basis. If a student/resident is involved in the University Conduct Process or alleged criminal charges, Housing and Residence Life and the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution may temporally suspend and/or remove a student from University housing based on a review of all current, related information while awaiting results from the University conduct process or legal proceedings. Temporary suspension or removal from on-campus housing of a student/resident may be done to protect the safety, health, and wellbeing of all students and community members of the University, and will remain in effect until the University/HRL conduct process or legal proceedings have been successfully resolved.

9.1 Housing Removal Process

  • Student/resident will be notified via email that they are being removed from on-campus housing.
  • Student/resident has 48 hours to pack, move, and vacate the unit.
  • If the student/resident fails to vacate within the allotted 48-hours, a member of GVSU Housing and Residence Life and/or Grand Valley State Police Department will make contact with the student to discuss the significance of failing to vacate and the student’s/resident’s plan to move-out.
  • If contact cannot be made with the student/resident within 24-hours and/or the student/resident fails to comply with HRL staff/GVPD, the University reserves the right to remove all belongs and change the lock on the student’s/resident’s unit at the expense of the student/resident.
  • If the steps/processes listed above are not effective in the removal of the student/resident from University Housing, the student/resident will not be considered trespassing. As a result, Grand Valley Police Department will be contacted to remove the student/resident from the Grand Valley State University property immediately.
  • Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to charge/fine student’s/resident’s student accounts for unit damages, removal of belongings, cleaning of the unit, and/or changing of the door lock(s).



Article ID: 5439
Wed 4/27/22 2:52 PM
Thu 9/26/24 2:19 PM